. :START :.
1. Name:Latoya
2. Birthday:09/23/1980
3. Birthplace:Brooklyn, NY
4. Current Location:Wilmington, NC
5. Eye Color:Brown
6. Height: 5'8
7. Right or Left Handed:Right
8. The Shoes You Wore Today:ADIDAS
9. Your most Overused Phrase:Whateva
10. Thoughts First Waking Up: Going back to sleep
11. Your Best Physical Feature: My smile
12. Your Bedtime:whenver my eyes close
13. Your Most Missed Memory:my childhood
14. Your Fears:Breaking down on I40
15. Your Weakness:Briana's smile
16. Perfect Pizza:Italian Sausage
17. Thoughts First Waking Up:Didn't I answer that already
18. Your Best Physical Feature:Again my smile
19. Your Most Missed Memory:my childhood
20. Pepsi or Coke:Pepsi
21. MacDonald or Burger King:Macdonalds
22. Single or Group Dates:Single
23. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:Lipton
24. Chocolate or Vanilla:Chocolate
25. Cappuccino or Coffee:Coffee
26. Do you Smoke:Yes
27. Do you Swear:When provoked
28. Do you Sing:Yes I do....not very well though
29. Do you Shower Daily:Twice a day
30. Have you Been in Love:Yes I have
31. Going to College?:Been there
32. Going to get Married:Possibly
33. Believe in yourself:Of Course
34. Get Motion Sickness:no
35. Think you are Attractive:Of course
36. Are you a Health Freak:not really
37. Get along with your Parents:Yes I do
38. Like Thunderstorms:Yes
39. Play an Instrument:Clarinet
40. Drank Alcohol:I do, Long Island ....please
41. Smoked:Yes
42. Been on Drugs:what....what kind of shit is this
43. Gone on a Date:yes, last night
44. Gone to a Mall:yesterday
45. Eaten a box of Oreos:never
46. Eaten Sushi:never
47. Been on Stage:no...not that I know of
48. Been Dumped:unfortunately yes
49. Went Skinny Dipping :never
50. Stolen Anything:no
51. Ever been Drunk:uh...yea
52. Ever been called a Tease:yes
53. Ever been Beaten up:nah
54. Ever Shoplifted:no
55. How do you want to Die:Peacefully
56.You want to become a:.....I AM a great mother
57. Country you want to visit:South Africa(for my critical friend Aisha)...I have to go to the motherland
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