Your one of my people if... I like what John did here, so... think I'll try it myself: If you remember the riverwalk, the DSA, the green room, tom's basement, the tree, hot shots, the turd, born slippy, the metro, RQ, CTD, antz, Donald, rummy, 10,000, the suburbanite, bowling radio, steak and dick, psssh harp, sammy J, the night at ezzi's, d'jarams, madison, the river, the pool, tennis, the odessy, 40's and blitz, karaoke revolution, the country house, "why is she waving at me", 7-11, blair witching, da doobie, smoke fest 2004, bob seger, tom puking; having to wash his socks, the keg stand, never ending hold 'em games, oshkosh, the "camping" trip, the 101 proof syrup, moriga, one ear, the wet floor sign, the forum, fitzpatricks, du pont, big sexy, shirtless o'clock, 629 s. johnson, extra value, denny's, bakers sqaure, dunkin donuts, genital warts and BK, sarlude, vegas, san diego, spo co, FAC, slater, big swede, dalton-hilly-brown, ETC (when it was cool)... more to come as i think of it
Love Me. The Five People You Meet in Heaven. The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Oh, What a Paradise it Seems. The Life of Pi. In Search of Stupidity.