Understand? |
Knowing something is not nearly as important as understanding something. The world is full of people who know things but don't really understand them. Like hearing a name for something, and just accep... Posted by Ben on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 11:28:00 PST |
Its Not Me, Its You |
I was just thinking back to my earliest employment, to my first three jobs and the impact they had on me. They were all in the food service industry, at the only entry level position available in suc... Posted by Ben on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 09:56:00 PST |
Left Behind |
I suppose I always knew it was coming, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. People grow up, and then they start to suck in every way imaginable. First, they find a mate. Then they hav... Posted by Ben on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 01:19:00 PST |
Two Revolutions |
There are two kinds of 'revolution' and they have the funniest relationship to each other.One is the political revolution, where the government is overthrown, and everything changes, preferably to the... Posted by Ben on Sat, 31 May 2008 11:41:00 PST |
The Death Of A Dream |
To make a dream a reality is to kill the dream. One thing that defines me is that I would rather keep dreaming than see it ruined by making it real. As I've said, reality is always so disappointing, ... Posted by Ben on Wed, 14 May 2008 01:29:00 PST |
On Hard Work And Education |
As random as this must seem, I am watching a movie where someone whom I'm sure will die a gruesome death just said "poor people are lazy". Now, besides identifying him as a 'bad person' in the flick, ... Posted by Ben on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 04:32:00 PST |
On Human Development And Perfection |
I think children have a long, hideous phase they go through once they gain the physical ability to do terrible things, but before they learn any reason not to. Once they are no longer toddlers and can... Posted by Ben on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 05:59:00 PST |
Just A Thought |
Behavior is controlled by will, not desire. Whenever you feel tempted, remember that. We can want one thing, and still do the opposite. Maybe that is what elevates us, more than anything else. Desire... Posted by Ben on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 03:35:00 PST |
James Bond: License To Rape |
I've spent the last few days watching four of the old classic Sean Connery James Bond movies, and noticed a surprising thing: he was an unforgivable alcoholic and rapist.In one disgusting example, he... Posted by Ben on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 04:48:00 PST |
Dangerously Insane |
Of all people, I can understand the virtue of avoiding certainty. Refusing to completely believe in anything, lest you be led astray by something proven false in the future. Even should the vast major... Posted by Ben on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 09:00:00 PST |