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I'd like to meet:

I'm a happily married webdesigner in the Raleigh metro area. I have two kids-- a boy and a girl-- who are the light of my life.

I blog daily . I love Nick at Nite, all crime shows, "The Office", and "Medium". I'm an architecture and science buff. My poison is Diet Pepsi on the rocks. I'm a Christian. I'm short enough that people comment on it. I cover my eyes during scary movies. I drive with one knee tucked next to me, and I sing in the car. I like road trips, jeans, and bubble baths with cheap detective novels. I like people on principle. I give others the benefit of the doubt. I gossip. I read tabloids. I'm always on a diet. I think sunrises are beautiful. I want to live near the ocean one day.

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    Gank this style.