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la feline

About Me


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My Interests

making up new words, driving with the windows down, inhaling lilacs, mix tapes, kissing dogs, naps, the great outdoors, cheeese, porch parties, getting lost, collages, learning guitar, running into things, writing,pig tails, anything chocolate, flip flops, dog bingo, poetry, staring at the moon, painting, going broke, good times & local shows.

i miss nyc.


lauryn hill, peter bjorn and john, sonic youth, tori amos, bjork, ponys, innocence mission, thom yorke,smashing pumpkins, polly jean harvey, david bowie, amy winehouse, cat power, the rosebuds, flaming lips,walkmen, modern lovers, beatles, fiona apple, tricky,hendrix,etc.


say anything, kill bill, empire records, the godfather one and two, pulp fiction, requiem for a dream, untamed heart, the royal tenenbaums, blow, girl interrupted, harold and maude, mary poppins, in the name of the father, trainspotting, good will hunting, stealing beauty, great expectations, a soldier's daughter never cries


lost, law and order, planet earth.


The Bell Jar, The Bluest Eye, The Prophet, Letters to a Young Poet, The Wild Iris, Spilling Open, The Secret Life of Bees, Cowboys Are My Weakness, Go Ask Alice, White Oleander


my parents, elliot smith, tori amos, john lennon, lauryn hill, nereus the walrus.