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April Dawn

Real Girl: Living In The Big Beautiful World

About Me

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1. I never stop thinking. Ever.
2. I get a kick out of doing things people say I can't do.
3. The Loner: I'll go to the movies, a restaurant, sit in a bar with no makeup on with a baseball cap and drink a pitcher of beer. I don't care, I'm good with me.
4. My sense of humor is whacky, ironic, cynical and sometimes satirical...and yet, I'm a considerate person. If you know me, then you know how they mix and what makes 'being April' so much more fun than John Malchovich ::winks::
5. I like big trucks. You know, the kind that can pull a semi WITH the hairy beer belly in the cab. Has to have 4-wheel drive, big tires (four is plenty) and not sit on the ground as if it's waiting for an elderly man to climb in. I'm talking WOOF! That's one bad truck, and when I go to the gas station - woe to the idiot that says, "Yer husband let you drive his truck?"
6. I'm the master of my own destiny. If I want to be sad, there will be plenty of self-pitying, self-loathing music I can listen to. Plenty of friends that will bend their ear graciously, while rolling their eyes on the other end of the phone ("Are you done yet?" - Done What? "Done feeling sorry for yourself?" -Yep, I am.) Conversely, if I choose to feel uplifted, all I have to do is crank my stereo (something more on the lines of "Bubbly" by Colbie Caillat) , stand in my yard and lift my hands to heaven. I personally think, that doing so in the buff doesn't make you a 'pagan.' Infact, whatever your religion - that alone is one of the most spiritually grounded things I can think of.
7. I love my home, and my yard. So does my dog, and I love him too. Mambo is a big cool dude. He's a 100+lb dancer that likes to rest his head on my hip and lean against my leg. We're buds.
8. God has blessed me with the opportunity to be a mother. To learn and grow, along with the precious spirits that he has entrusted me with as Teacher. He has given me some beautiful friends, my husband being amongst those for whom I am most grateful.
9. I don't medicate myself with prescriptions. I know my body is a temple, and if I defile it, it will crumble. IT was meant to be fed well and get exercise. What a machine! Amen.
10. I love the rain on my face, the wind in my hair, and singing loudly when nobody else is listening. Don't sneak up on me, I will hurt you!
But you know, that doesn't near cover it...
Girl's Gotta Be Real~
I'm listening to the still small voice. The one that knows me, as a mixed bag of fabulous and not-so-shiny moments. The one who loves me anyway. Take me, or leave me...this is what you get. And I'm not hiding anymore!
I'm shaking off the mantle, kicking down the picket fences, using my apron as a picnic blanket. I'm pulling up my sleeves, grabbing my spiritual shovel, and digging in. This soil is good, and I'm in a mood to plant something beautiful here.
"Happiness depends more on the inward disposition of mind than on outward circumstances." ~Benjamin Franklin
It is what I see in myself, and what I want to be that is most exciting. The thought that I could become such a thing, causing the universe to act in my behalf is an awe-inspiring thought. What great feats, what great souls that I might come to know, only if I am worthy of such greatness. This is the inspiration that feeds my dreams at night and gets me out of bed in the morning. ~ ME!
A truly strong person does not need the approval of others any more than a lion needs the approval of sheep.
Inner liberty can be judged by how often a person feels offended, for you can no more insult a mature man than you can paint the air. ~ Vernon Howard
"The Promised Land always lies on the other side of the wilderness." ~ Havelock Ellis

My Interests

"I have always known that at last I would take this road, but yesterday I did not know that it would be today." ~ Narihara

"It is not work that kills men, it is worry. Work is healthy; you can hardly put more on a man than he can bear. But worry is rust upon the blade. It is not movement that destroys the machinery, but friction." ~Henry Ward Beecher

" What makes a woman beautiful? For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; for a slim figure, share your food with the hungry; for beautiful hair, let a child run their hands through it; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone." ~Audrey Hepburn

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." ~Albert Einstein

"No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the stars or sailed to an unchartered land or opened a new heaven to the human spirit." -- Helen Keller

"Love withers under constraints: its very essence is liberty: it is compatible neither with obedience, jealousy, nor fear: it is there most pure, perfect, and unlimited where its votaries live in confidence, equality and unreserve." ~Percy Bysshe Shelley

"You must dare to disassociate yourself from those who would delay your journey... Leave, depart, if not physically, then mentally. Go your own way, quietly, undramatically, and venture toward trueness at last." ~ Vernon Howard

"I like to play on my days. I like to sing on my days. Just me and my days." -- Maxwell Rawlings

"Within every woman there is a wild and natural creature, a powerful force, filled with good instincts, passionate creativity, and ageless knowing. Her name is Wild Woman, but she is an endangered species. Though the gifts of the wildish nature come to us at birth, society's attempt to "civilize" us into rigid roles has plundered this treasure, and muffled the deep, life-giving messages of our own souls. Without Wild Woman, we become over-domesticated, fearful, uncreative, trapped."
~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes

"We are such stuff as dreams are made on ..." ~The Tempest

I'd like to meet:

"You don't get to choose how you're going to die. Or when. You can only decide how you're going to live. Now." ~ Joan Baez

"Some women wait for something to change and nothing does change, so they change themselves." ~ Audre Lorde

You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

"It's a funny thing about life. If you refuse to settle for anything less than the best, that's what it will give you." ~ W. Somerset Maugham

"The universe works with you and for you. It is not your enemy." ~ David Spangler


"So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their view, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide. Always give a word or a sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend, even a stranger, when in a lonely place. Show respect to all people and grovel to no one. When you arise in the morning give thanks or the food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies only in yourself. Abuse no one and no thing, for abuse turns the wise ones to fools and robs the spirit of its vision. When it comes your time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, so when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song and die like a hero going home. - Chief Tecumseh, Shawnee Nation


"Her work, I really think her work is finding what her real work is and doing it, her work, her own work, her being human, her being in the world." -Ursula K. LeGuin

"It is never too late to be what you might have been." - George Elliot
"The spiritual journey is one of continually falling on your face, getting up, brushing yourself off, looking sheepishly at God, and taking another step." ~ Aurobindo


"The blessings for which we hunger are not to be found in other places or people. These gifts can only be given to you by yourself. They are at home in the hearth of your soul." ~ John O'Donohue

My Blog

Get Out The Shovel

Here's our latest read, written by John Stossel (anchor for ABC news and 20/20 reporter). If you haven't read it...you ought to. Candid and factual, this book takes a look at some every day things ...
Posted by April Dawn on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 01:41:00 PST


Do you ever feel like life is like an Etchasketch? I mean, you are putting all your strength into creating something...meticulously...line by line...and then a two year old comes along...grabs it, an...
Posted by April Dawn on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 01:35:00 PST

How Do You Know If a Boy Likes You?

This morning, Haley asked me, "Mommy, how do you know if a boy likes you?"I said, "Well, honey, he'll be really nice to you and want to spend time with you.""What else?""He'll do nice things for you ...
Posted by April Dawn on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 06:25:00 PST

Perfect Harmony

In Perfect HarmonyI'd Like To Teach the World To Sing (In Perfect Harmony)I'd like to build the world a homeAnd furnish it with loveGrow apple trees and honey bees and snow-white turtle dovesI'd like ...
Posted by April Dawn on Wed, 30 May 2007 12:55:00 PST

Life is a box of Crayons

Color your life to be a picture of what is beautiful to YOU....
Posted by April Dawn on Wed, 30 May 2007 12:48:00 PST

Memorial Day, Time to Reevaluate

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of...
Posted by April Dawn on Tue, 22 May 2007 11:42:00 PST

Yearnings: Embracing the Sacred Messiness of Life

Yearnings:Embracing the Sacred Messiness of Lifeby Irwin Kula About this Book"Irwin Kula is a masterful teacher. He is passionate about his message and every page shimmers with excitement as he convey...
Posted by April Dawn on Mon, 14 May 2007 02:13:00 PST

I Trusted You

Dear Friends, Below is a response to a bulletin posted by my friend Rich, a very thoughtful and caring man, who is struggling with why those we have loved and trusted the most choose to hurt us. I th...
Posted by April Dawn on Mon, 07 May 2007 12:04:00 PST

Who am I to judge?

Here is a constant lesson which we would all do well to post on our bathroom mirror and read as often as we brush our teeth. It is self-righteousness that we all struggle to overcome, no matter how ...
Posted by April Dawn on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 11:40:00 PST

Why Me?

It is a blessed day indeed, when a soul begins to see his own worth. For every soul is of infinite worth. What purpose have we, then, as survivors on Earth? What proving ground is this, but where ...
Posted by April Dawn on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 07:42:00 PST