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About Me

I'm a big hairy nurse!/formerly a comercial artist My motorcycle!, reading, digging holes (for flars), wogging, cooking, cuttting up dead guys, museums, fixing houses, my pet homonunculus, working out, cult film and anything I've never tried before Music:Supersuckers, Bo Diddley, Kurt Weil, the Pixies, Ralph Stanley, Ohio Players, Merle Haggerd, the Hives, Joanie Mitchell, Dr. Octagon, George Clinton and all permutations of P-Funk, Billy Holliday, White Zombie, John Spencer Blues Explosion, Beck, Michelle Shocked, and Johnny Cash Moovies: TheForbiddenZone, City ofLostChildren, BIG LEBOWSKI, ApocalypseNow, TaxiDriver, Fightclub, Freeway, Coffy, O Brother, ElMariachi, Easyrider, AmericanBeauty, FasterPussycatKillKill, FoxyBrown, WhosAfraidOfVirginiaWolf, ThinMan, DownByLaw, KittenWithAWhip, I like the channel with the white noise. hippiebilly science nerd chick on a motorbike.

-- -- -- --t--My score on -- -- -- --/t-- The Brutally Honest Personality Test :

Freak- INFJ
(13% Extraversion, 53% Intuition, 46% Thinking, 53% Judging)

Well, well, well. How did someone like you end up with the least common personality type of them all? In a group of 100 Americans, only 0.5 others would be just like you. You really are one of a kind... In fact, I do believe that that's one of the definitions for the word "FREAK."Freak's not such a bad word to describe you actually.You are deep, complex, secretive and extremely difficult to understand. If that doesn't scream "Freak!" I don't know what does. No-one actually knows the REAL you, do they?You probably have deep interests in creative expression as well as issues of spirituality and human development.You've probably even been called a "psychic" before, because of your uncanny knack to understand and "read" people without quite knowing how you do it. Don't fret. You're not actually psychic. That would make you special and you'll never accomplish that.You're also quite possible the most emotional of them all, so don't take this all too hard. Nevertheless you most definitely have the strangest personality type and that's not necessarily a good thing.*****************

-- -- -- --t--Link -- -- -- --/t--: The Brutally Honest Personality Test ( -- -- -- --t--OkCupid Free Online Dating -- -- -- --/t-- )

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Adventurous people to do goofy sh*t with. Also, reserved people to goofy sh*t with.


No. My lama calls me when ever I watch it and asks me what I am doing: "what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing "


confederacy of dunces, bodhicharyavatara, cruddy ---summary-- "Roberta Rohbeson, 1971. Her overblown, drug-induced teenage rant against a world bounded by "the cruddy top bedroom of a cruddy rental house on a very cruddy mud road behind cruddy Black Cat Lumber" soon becomes a detailed account of another story. The world of Roberta, then age eleven, is terrifyingly unbounded, a one-way cross-country road trip fueled by revenge and by greed, a violent, hallucinatory, sometimes funny, more often horrific year of killings, betrayals, arson, and a sinister set of butcher knives, each with its own name. It is a story about which Roberta has kept silent for five years, until, under the influence of a pale hippie called the Turtle and a drug called Creeper, her tale giddily unspools


Chenrezig! Machig labdronma, Rosa Parks, my mom and my grandma and my uncle and Tenzin Gyatso. Lama Kathy. all the victorious conquorers. the smokey dakas and glittering dakinis.