The Official Hmong Is You Magazine profile picture

The Official Hmong Is You Magazine

A Contemporary Magazine for Hmong Youths

About Me

The current issue, Volume IV, bears a little more skin, it shows our outer beauty as well as inner beauty. When most parents see their daughters or someone they know in a bathing suit, their initial reaction is embarrassment. It is not our intention to offend anyone, my hope is to expose the asian cultures to the human body through class and beauty. We understand that it will take more than an issue to change the views of generations; however, we hope this will be the beginning of a new era for Asian Americans. The young women who are featured in this issue are ambitious, strong and beautiful.
Yeng Moua
About Us
Hmong Is You magazine includes youth related articles, features, bands, and more. It is about us, everyday people like you and me. Real people, about real lives. The reason for creating this magazine is to bring us together, remember our history, who we are, where we are going and who we have become. The main focus of the magazine is on Hmongs but will also include other Asian races. I want to create a fun magazine that today’s youth can relate to. Together we can help each other succeed and become good role models for today’s youth and the next generations to come. Hopefully our stories and experiences will help them make good decisions in life. Our main goal is to help promote Hmong artists, models, talents, businesses, etc…

To order a copy, include name, money order, and address. $5.00 per issue. Allow 1-2 weeks. Send to: Yeng Moua 2615 Highland Park Drive
Charlotte, NC 28269
NOW AVAILABLE!!! ORDER ONLINE!! Please include address and which Volume you would like to order.
For more information: [email protected]

Hmong Is You Drop Spots:
Asian Super Market
2636 NW Blvd.
Newton, NC 28658
Hmong American Market
808 Conover West Blvd #B
Conover, NC 28658
Yang's Supermarket
261 W. Fleming Drive
Morganton, NC 28655
Pho Daravan
Tryon St. Asian Corner Mall
Kee's Express Restaurant
4720 Mack Road Ste. 4
Sacrament, CA 95823
(916) 833-8507
544 University Ave W
St Paul, MN 55103
(651) 665-9105
(651) 665-0949
Asian Supermarket
400 Western Ave. N.
St. Paul, MN 55103
Asian Food Store
236 W. Calumet St.
Appleton, WI 54915
Contact Magic Man Meng on top friends
Everybody, go see this movie when it comes out! It's a movie by Clint Eastwood called, "Gran Torino." Lots of Hmong people were casted in this movie.

My Interests

To order a copy, include name, check or money order, and address. $5.00 per issue. Checks will have to clear before delivery. Allow 1-2 weeks. Send to: Yeng Moua P.O. Box 26631 Charlotte, NC 28269

Visit our website at:

For more information: [email protected]

To leave comments and suggestions: [email protected]

For advertising information and sponsorship: [email protected]
The magazine is FREE when you pick up at one of these locations. This applies to Volume III only. Complimentary Special Edition. We appreciate your support.

Let us know if you want the magazines dropped off at a location near you. Send us the name and address of the business.

Hmong Is You Drop Spots:


Asian Super Market
2636 NW Blvd.
Newton, NC 28658

Tida’s Asian Mart
508 P 10th St. NW
Conover, NC 28613

NC Square Asian Super Market
808 Conover West Blvd. 23B
Conover, NC 28658

Lee’s Oriental Market
904 W. Union St
Morganton, NC 28655

Dai Sing
4500 N. Tryon (Asian Square)
Charlotte, NC 28215

East Buffet & Grill Restaurant
3550 N. Sharon Amity Rd.
Charlotte, NC 28205

That Picture Place
2725 NW Blvd.
Newton, NC 28658

K. Oriental Market
116 Signal Hill Drive
Statesville, NC 28625

Mekong Oriental Market
1970 C East Main St.
Albemarle, NC 28001


Merced, CA
Call Mary 209-769-5221

Kee's Express Restaurant
4720 Mack Road Ste. 4
Sacrament, CA 95823
(916) 833-8507

Long Chang Entertaintment
and Fashion
6241 Franklin Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95824
(916) 391-7311

Thao Fashion & Music Center
5555 Sky Pwy #215
Sacramento, CA 95823
(916) 424-7622

Asia Supermarket
4818 E. Tulare Ave
Fresno, CA 93727
(559) 252- 7025

KC Market
4905 E. Kings Canyon Rd
Suite 101
Fresno, CA 93727
(559) 255-8422


Asia Supermarket
400 Western Ave. NW
St. Paul, MN 55103
(651) 222-1980

Peking Garden Restaurant
2324 University Ave SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414
(612) 623-3989

Sunrise market
995 University Ave W
St. Paul, MN 55104-4796
(651) 649-0394

Tay Ho Restaurant
302 University Ave W
St. Paul, MN 55103-2058
(651) 228-7216

Hmong Culture Center
995 University Avenue West-Suite 214
St. Paul, MN 55104-4796
(651) 917-9937

Hmong American Partnership

Golden Harvest
900 Maryland Ave E
St Paul, MN 55106
(651) 772-3200

Tou's Haircut
1090 Arcade St
St Paul, MN 55106
(651) 793-5045

Saigon Restaurant
601 University Ave W
St Paul, MN 55103
(651) 225-8751

544 University Ave W
St Paul, MN 55103
(651) 665-9105
(651) 665-0949


Warren Oriental Store
11526 E. 10 Mile Road
Warren, MI

Asian BBQ Restaurant
11494 E. 10 Mile Road
Warren, MI 48089

Seven Sea's Trading
21701 Hoover
Warren, MI 48089

In the next issue...

Asian Hotties!

Hot new music artists!

Bathing suit special edition!!!

and more...

Avoid being embarrassed by hittin on your own sister or getting hit on by your brother!!! You know Hmong people can't date someone with the same last name. Order a YMDEZIGN T-Shirt with your last name on it. Wear it at parties, New Year, or anywhere! Send me a note on which shirt you would like to order and for more details.
1 for $12 or two for $20 + shipping and handling. Online ordering coming soon!!! Other designs available (more to come):
Pho Addict
Rice Addict
Eat my Papaya

Last names available (if you want one not listed, it can be ordered):

Available in girl babydoll shirts and regular T-shirts for guys.
The models wore shirts by YMDEZIGN at the Modeling Contest on May 19th in Charlotte, NC.
Minnesota Soccer Tournament! Thanks to all those who stopped by our booth.

Sai Vang, Yeng Moua, Tou Ger Xiong, & Dao Vue Tracy Kue & Yeng Moua Chic and Yeng Moua


We are currently looking for volunteers:

Models, Writers, Photographers, Graphic Designers, Illustrators, etc...)

Send me a note if interested or email at [email protected]

If you are interested in advertising in the magazine email [email protected] or call 704-806-7688



Message Me

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Articles from Volume III

Check out these talented artists featured in Hmong Is You:

My Blog

Looking for Motivated Sales People to Help Sell Hmong Is You Magazines

Messsage us for more detailsRequirements:Must be 18 or olderOutgoingHonest & TrustworthyMust have transportation
Posted by The Official Hmong Is You Magazine on Wed, 15 Oct 2008 09:39:00 PST

Want to be in Volume 5?

We are looking for the following:Role modelsSuccessful HmongsHottest guysMusic ArtistsClothes DesignersStylistsPhotographersAny suggestions are also welcome.
Posted by The Official Hmong Is You Magazine on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 10:43:00 PST

PA system and Virtual Scene Machine for sale

I'm selling my PA system/DJ equipment. I've only used it twice for two party (250 people +). Everything is in great condition, practically new. I'm asking $3800 or best offer for everything. It has ev...
Posted by The Official Hmong Is You Magazine on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 01:33:00 PST

Looking for models of all asian nationallities

We are currently looking all types of asian models. Got to show everyone some love. Must be 18 years old or older. Please email photos along with age, city, state, myspace link if any and contact n...
Posted by The Official Hmong Is You Magazine on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 10:22:00 PST

Fashion Show Photos from the White Affair

The fashion show was awesome. Thanks to all the girls who volunteered. I know it was a very long day getting ready but at the end it was worth it. Everyone did a great job!...
Posted by The Official Hmong Is You Magazine on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 08:17:00 PST

Add Hmong Is You Magazine to your portfolio!

Writers, Graphic Designers and Photographers, add Hmong Is You Magazine to your portfolio!The main purpose of this magazine is to help promote Hmong talents including Writers, Graphic Designers and Ph...
Posted by The Official Hmong Is You Magazine on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 06:55:00 PST

Want to be featured in Hmong Is You?

Models, Recording Artists, Role Models, etc...If you're serious, please follow protocol and proceed with the following steps.1. ModelsPlease send a head shot and full body shot to hmongteenmagazine@y...
Posted by The Official Hmong Is You Magazine on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 06:32:00 PST