My interest have a very wide range so I guess you would have to get to know me to know what interests me.a
I'd like to meet:
Well, I think the only person that I really want to meet is GOD because in the end it will just be Him and me anyway.Boondocks Promo
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You are The Flash
The Flash
Iron Man
Green Lantern
Wonder Woman
Fast, athletic and flirtatious.
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Being that I am cultured I like to try all types of music.
Friday, Liar Liar, and the 5Heartbeats
Your Inner Gangsta by crash_and_burn
What is yo name?
Yo gangsta name be Steve
You ride around in a A pair of 1962 Roller Skates
Yo gang The Yakuza
Yo shoes be White high-top Air Force 1s
Yo dubs be dis big, fool 2,870
How much money you got? $590,620,757,320,498,570,373,584,832
How gangsta are you, bitch? 63%
Real World, 106 & Park, Martin, Jamie Foxx Show
Tuck Everlasting, The Giver, The Outsiders, Pride and Prejudice, Oliver Twist..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
Deep things
Whats your biggest regret: Don't have one
What is your biggest fear: Being left behind and/or forgotten
Have you ever dated someone and regretted it?: Nope
Anybody you would go back and date again if you could?: Yep
Name 3 people you cant live without: GOD, Dad, and Mom
Name a song you listen to when your upset/angry/sad?: The Truth by India Arie
Describe what you would do if it was the last day you'd be alive?: the same shit i do like a Rockstar
If you could go back in time and change one thing, would would it be?: Nothing
Do you have any deep secrets?: It's a possibility
How many?: who knows
Tell me one of your favorite memories: Buck falling off my car
Another one?: Ruddie and me pushing my car
One more..: Von and Buck got all that shit started
Tell me one of your worst memories: phone call about Buck
Another one?: when i had my wreck
Is there anyone you would die for?: don't know
Who?: n/a
Do you think people know a lot about you?: they claim they do
Do you block out things that bother you?: all the time
What was your child hood like?: great
Do you tak about your past painful experiences?: nope
Or do you keep them a secret?: yep
Do you talk about them when other people are talking about theirs?: nope
Do you drink/smoke to chase away pain?: i drink and smoke but not as a medicine for pain
Who is somebody who can always put a smile on your f ace?: don't know
Someone who made a huge impact on your life?: Dad
Someone who made you miserable?: Dad
Use this space to say something to someone (you dont have to say their name: I miss you so much and I wish things could be like they used to be
Do you think you should change some of your qualities?: no
Are you in love?: no
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Lord and Savior JESUS Christ.You have a sexual IQ of 156
When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends.
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According to this reading, you are 90% sexually hot!
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