HEYA!!!! I'm Laura! I shake you warmly by the hand... oh heck it have a hug! how are you? .... good good... well I'm very pleased that you have come to visit my profile and I invite you to look at the various pictures and videos on it. there are some very funny ones... such as the video of my friend Amy getting squished by a giant hand... bless her!
God is my father, my saviour and my friend!
okay so i started off listing people but i didnt think i could cover it without going on forever... i just know so many great people...
(if you dont fit into a category but you think you should be on here email me coz i luv you!)
My School Buddies!!! Manda, Lauren, Tom, Emily, Danny, Bates, Ed, Maisie, i could go on lol what would i do without all you guys ive known since year 7, helping me through my GCSEs - yes guys the end IS in sight!!!
My 'Old School Buddies' ah, what fun Stafford was eh? and all those i have managed to keep in touch with are some of my most cherished friends :)Ah Alex what shenanagans shall we find ourselves in yet? and oh my i still feel priveledged to know Stace and Grace :) two beautiful staffordians....ps. ahem - YELLOWS ROCK!
My Cousins! family is so important to me, and i have enough cousins to last me 3 lifetimes - and two more on the way ahhh! :)
The Skatepark Kids they'll know if i mean them :) they are some of the loveliest people on earth... if only they would stop skating for more than half an hour lol!
My Youthlings @ Suncoast - they keep me going from one week to the next, like a sort of spiritual babysitting crew! if i fall out the cot they hold me tight and tell me it will be okay, they have taught me how to spiritually walk :) i love you guys!
Kings Kids and etcetera oh yes i won't forget the other lovely darlings such as Katie and Mo and all those affiliated with all things gorgeous :) love you guys!
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