lizzi fists profile picture

lizzi fists

thats me in the corner - thats me in the spot light

About Me

Life is just a continuation of syncopated rhythm. A fierce perplexing beat with only a mere intermission. One loud blow as the conductor waves his baton causing nerves to come undone. We fail to enjoy ourselves. A beat so pure within us all. Life is like Jazz. The unknown is proof. I’m ready for my intermission now. I’m ready for part two. Put the needle on the record and stubbornly awaiting our ending. - ------------------------------------------------------- Im going through some sort of life transition right now. Trying to find and stay on a path. I have the biggest heart in the world. My problem is people abusing it. This past year has taught me so much. I have never been so open to trying new things. Ive learned so much about myself and realized I have a lot of work to do. In the meantime im looking to meet some new friends in the Madison area. I LOVE the outdoors. PLAY is number one for me! Camping, Blue Grass Fests, Singing Blues,Any live Music or Outdoor Concerts, Riding my Bike in the Hot s..Sun, Volleyball and anything to do with Water is my life in the summer! Winter is my down time. Sitting by the fire, Going to plays/musicals, Boardgames, Shopping in the City, Dinner with family and friends are my fave! I hate the cold but love to play in the snow! Sledding is the best. I love anything that makes me feel like a kid again. Last year I tried snowboarding for the first time and loved it. I still enjoy downhill skiing but I enjoy the wipe outs when your learning a new sport. - - - o -ya for those of you who dont know, i have some serious allergies to food so i basically eat lots of fresh (no preservatives) food. I try to eat meat that is free range. Im lactose as well - I would love to cook you a healthy dinner :-) Peace outa CAUTION to the men out there- im probably not interested in any kinky things you have to say so dont.
I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too!

My Interests

DA BEARZ :-) Veggies lots of veggies! idiosyncratic love - finding myself - living life - breaking the gap - honesty - hot temperatures - camping in the woods - crashing down a ski hill - doing things you wouldnt do - falling in love - Cuddling - laughter - learning - environment - Music - dancing all night long - our future

I'd like to meet:

Im still waiting for that guy in my dreams to save me from myself. Where are you ... ??? O and someone who can spell check all my papers and help me with math! Lol :-)
Glitter Graphics
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wow lets see. in random order..... Eric Clapton, Pink Floyd, Dave Mathews Band, Aretha Franklin, Sage Francis, Billie Holiday, Rolling Stones, Anne Heaton, HEM, Gladys Knight, Mark Farina, Scott Byram, Bob Marley and Family, SUBLIME!!! The Fugees,Alfonso, Mary J.,Janes Addiction,Stone Temple Pilots, The Doors, 2 Pac, Biggie, Led Zeppelin, Pantera, Snoop Dogg, Prodigy, Groove Armada, 357 String Band, The Beatles, NIN, Pearl Jam, Elton John, Tori Amos, Erikah Badu, Glen Miller,Supertramp, Nirvana, Radio Head,Dock Boggs, MIcheal Jackson, Frank Sinatra, Diana Krall, Prince,Red Hot Chilli Peppers,John Mayer (Blues), Buddha-bar,Sting,Bob Dylan,Derrick Carter, Zebo,Matisyahu, Billy Joel,Jill Scott,Mark Almaria,OAR,Beck,Beastie Boys,Korn,Tom Vandenavond, the Roots, Portishead


Your Lucky if you can get me to sit down through a movie. Ide rather listen to you chat away.


I do still have a few shows i watch Grey's Anatomy , Sex in the City , PBS , Scrubs if im bored


School books for - if i had the time i would probably be reading up on Art, Rnvironment, Religion or music.


Im trying to be my own hero

My Blog

Dont read if you eating - Accomplishing Moment!!!

Accomplishing moment   Who would think that a girl could actually feel good covered in sink gew!  Yep I feel good all covered in the slime that has been sitting in my garbage disposal for th...
Posted by Lizzi on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 05:29:00 PST

What a crazy year

This past year has been the hardest year of my life.  I lost my best friend.  Lost a great relationship, had a cancer scare, quit my job, got a new job, failed miserably at the new job, Got...
Posted by Lizzi on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 11:21:00 PST

Fly me to the moon

Im gonna fly for the first time.  Well not exactly the very first but close enough.  So i am kinda scared to fly.  I have no clue why but i just am.  I flew in a 2 seater this...
Posted by Lizzi on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 10:58:00 PST

city dance

City Dance   My feet set the beat pavement keeping time. A sweet rhythm , my partner and me, we stroll so innocently.   Dancing&   Whistles and brassy laughter go unnoticed. Sweeping s...
Posted by Lizzi on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 09:28:00 PST


come quickly sweet lover liberate uncertainty naught mastered one's love inspired one's mind patience beaming splice of the feather, arrow glistening through time demand tenderness devot...
Posted by Lizzi on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 07:50:00 PST

Stuart Hamblen

  Written by Stuart Hamblen; Copyright 1953 by Hamblen Music Company Mommy told me somethingA little kid should knowIt's all about the devilAnd I've learned to hate him soShe said he causes trou...
Posted by Lizzi on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 06:52:00 PST


I need a Big fat long hug.  
Posted by Lizzi on Thu, 24 Aug 2006 07:35:00 PST


Come you masters of warYou that build all the gunsYou that build the death planesYou that build the big bombsYou that hide behind wallsYou that hide behind desksI just want you to knowI can see throu...
Posted by Lizzi on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 04:18:00 PST

Green Thumb

Green Thumb   Lightly aged green thumb, Scarred and callused, a gift from god. Deep forced lines etched by mother earth. Knowledge obtained from soil and flora. Years of fruitful labor, continuat...
Posted by Lizzi on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 09:59:00 PST


Beginnings   Mother Nature matures Compassion teeming Crowned with elegance Wandering between heaven and the underworld Yearning for duty amidst nothingness Seraphims resonance sets her disposi...
Posted by Lizzi on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 07:11:00 PST