Korean..... xD
Plays the guitar! w00t!
Richmond Hill
Bayview Seconday
what else you wanna know ?!?Hover Effects By myspacehelp.uni.ccThis profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ V2.5
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Guitar Basketball Wrestling xD ugh too much.... ask me some other day :@
Meh come one come all xD
ROCK ROCK ROCK... GOSPEL GOSPEL... RAY CHARLES IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!actually i listen to everything. cept country xD booooooooooooooo!
i unno w/e's good.. something with a sick twist xD... hostel blowed.. not enough death!
Television.... you mean the box the eats you alive and kills you silently through out your whole life... OF COURSE I WATCH IT! I LOVE ITTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FAAAAAMMMIIIIIILYYYYYYYY GUYYYYYY!!
fuck books.... cept a couple.....