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IGli - Moved to Gold Coast

I do bite so stay away....... :p ..

About Me

about me

YOu wanna/ know about me hey........ well i am fully sick wog driving in Chappel St wif my WRX and my 12" subwoofers and i try to pick' up skanks wif half brains... well that is what ppl think when they meet mE, although my accent is not that fully sick as other wogs...but i am working on it... :-P don’t 4get I also used to be a DJ and DJ’ed at my cousin habibi’s 21st birthday was up all night long , oh my god cHix lovEd me & melted/ when they heard my ethnic house music that I made using e-Jay and frutyloops……….i remember all the chix alL over' mE bro, I swear to ya was a hoT nite… they thought I was sex'ual beast , i swear habib the even ask for my number...
Ok ok, I will be honest about it. I come from a small country in Europe called Albania, no like anyone knows where that is... ppl i meet always pretend to know about it, but i can tell that they have no clue.... I was born in the capital city called Tirana with a population of 245000 ppl and growing by the day.... Moving to Australia was a different experience, it’s a Kool country and with alot of opportunitiEs but still does not replace European life style... Living in apartment blocks was a real aweSome feeling', even though it had its own problems such as gossips and noisy neighbours... but was an awesome place to be when you are a child.. I grew up with 20 other kids in the block; we did everything together from games to getting chased by factory guards, singing in church and graph ting walls.... I am not proud of it.. but at the same time i don’t regret it.. those are the bEst eXperiences of my life when I really thought I was free....
My teenage life... hehehehehe i stop and think.. what the fuCk was i thinking.. i still have some poetries i used to write inspired by Jim Morrison....I used to have a hair style like the Beatles and mustaches like nachos muchachos. My role model at the time was my older brother Herris, as a musician he was a rebellioUs person.. i remember his made up a band called "sna ha lopa" which translates in English "cow does not eat us" hehehe . I used to visit my brother at school, was a crazy place to be, I have seen everything there from ppl taking drugs to getting it on in the school corridors. The government never funded the school as it always was going to be vandalized by rebellious teenager musicians expressing themselves after listening to ACDC/Nirvana/The Doors/Sepulture/ Metalica etc.
I also remember when I used to go to discos with my class, every Friday mE and my mates used to skip classes to go to discos and always visited the principal’s office on monday. But we never got expelled as there where 24 of us. Discos were the coolest thing at the time, dressing up to impress' girls and chilling out with my large network of friends, times like that will never return. Skipping class did not mean that was a shitty school, even a small country, Albanian has really good education, ppl are very educated and most of them know 2or 3 languages such Italian, Engish, Greek, French and Spanish. Being a communist country and isolated from the world, a normal Albanian always dreamed of going outside those walls created by the communist regime. The only away for them to experience the outside world was to read about it and educated them self’s. So many times I have seen families giving everything so that they kids can get an education. Not like I have seen here in Australia, especially wog parents purchasing cars for their kids instead of giving them an education. I feel luCky that my parents pushed me to get an education, its an investment for life.. What’s the good about flipping burgers at Mc Donalds and driving a WRX. I m not saying flipping burgers is a bad job, I have done worst jobs than flipping burgers trust me, but I want to emphasize that education is more important than da WRX. Lol I think I have just been dishonored by the wog community, with the above comments… I have nothing against wogs, and I am proud to say that I am a wog myself… ya see there is wogs and wogs, ya have educated wogs than ya have the low life wogs that think that by being tough and fighting will make them fully sick, ya mostly see them @ chapel st or Heat night club.. Oh yeah thanks god that shit hole closed its doors. Well to be honest I have been to Heat couple of times, ya see sometimes I need to go to this place to realize how many dickheads are out there. Heat, lol was shit hole, alot of skanks waiting for you to buy em a drink, what really pissed me off was that these skanks where the biggest snobs I have ever seen especially in a society that beauty is very common. I bet you all of them where sponsored by Centerlink.
In 1996 I moved to Australia, to be honest was the shock of my life… I did not speak English, and felt useless….but every year it become better and better, I got to learn English and make new friends.. then after I started uni at VUT doing Bachelor of Engineering and finished in 2004 and that is the reason my spelling and grammar is so crap.
Oh I 4got to tell ya I also used to go to a catholic school for my year 10 – 12. I remember my fist day of school with my twin brother Elian, we just realized that the school was a boy school; lol everyday there was farting and burping competition between students. It didn’t feel like school, but same as a prison like in the movies. I remember a girl was walking outside my school and everyone in the class except me and my twin went to the window to check her out. I and Elian looked at each other, and I said to him in Albanian WTF is wrong with this ppl, she is not even hot. The nonsense ended in year 11 where the girls joint the boys. Oh that was good, I don’t mean the girls where hot or anything but that meant burping and farting competition was over.
At the moment I am working at engineering firm in gold coast and spending time with friends and family every fortnight everytime I go to melbourne.. I love the night life in Melbourne, I have been from jazz gigs, to hip-hop, drum & bass, trance, hard house, techno, house, blues, classical and of course rock bands at ESPY.
AlbaStrings Youth Orchestra
Vladimir Kocibelli
Bobby Vena
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My Interests

"In love, no one can harm anyone else: we are each of us responsible for own feeling and cannot blame someone else for what we feel.It hurts when we lost someone that we fall in love with. Now, though I am convinced that no one loses anyone, because no one owns anyone. That is the experience of freedom: having the most important thing in the world without owning it... " Eleven Minutes Paulo Coelho

My Work / My so strange/weird/colorful/ world

Life...... ..

Swear Box/Complains/Loving Comments go here

I'd like to meet:


No limits.. ya find da music and i will listen to it.. yes i am a freak........


It's All Gone Pete Tong


Discovery Channel


perfer et obdura; dolor hic tibi proderit olim Be patient and tough; some day this pain will be useful to you.



Ronald McDonald

My Blog


Jan08 - Photo Gallery
Posted by IGli - Moved to Gold Coast on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 01:50:00 PST

StereoSonic Photos

Click Here
Posted by IGli - Moved to Gold Coast on Fri, 07 Dec 2007 01:33:00 PST

Party time

Ocean Grove ClubBand: 10times10024 Nov 2007, 07:30 PM18 The Terrace, Ocean Grove, Ocean Grove, Victoriaps: don't forget to say hi ....igzeee...
Posted by IGli - Moved to Gold Coast on Fri, 23 Nov 2007 07:37:00 PST

Melbourne from Above

Melbourne from above
Posted by IGli - Moved to Gold Coast on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 03:44:00 PST

China Photos

Posted by IGli - Moved to Gold Coast on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 01:45:00 PST

That is why chinese are skinny. :p

That is why chinese are skinny. :p -->5-->...
Posted by IGli - Moved to Gold Coast on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 06:35:00 PST

Singapore Airport

I so can't be fucked writing about it..... listening to Kitsune cd that counts... ps: love the free internet here..30 seconds left of internet
Posted by IGli - Moved to Gold Coast on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 04:33:00 PST

thats gold...

hahaha     ...
Posted by IGli - Moved to Gold Coast on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 03:20:00 PST

He looks like elvis and talks to ghosts Melbourne Australia

this guy talks to himself or to a gohst ???? at first i thought he was talking to me and then reliase he wasn't/// freaky had to tape it...... ...
Posted by IGli - Moved to Gold Coast on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 02:08:00 PST


START READING FROM THE END From: DRC PhotographyDate: Mar 1, 2007 9:25 PMclearly not about you.I don't really want to do that online street art thing.Street art isn't exactly what I'm focusing on at t...
Posted by IGli - Moved to Gold Coast on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 09:03:00 PST