You. Star Wars. Meeting Jessica Alba. Winning the "World's Most Awesome Man contest", or the Strongest Man, I'm not fussed. Taking the piss out of internet profiles.
Batman, Superman, He-man - other superheroes ending in man, except Spiderman. Jessica Alba would be nice too. Come back Jessica, I didn't mean it! Honey was a good social commentary on your stomach. Someone as clearly mental as I am, or who can make me laugh. That and Chewbacca. Everyone needs an 8-foot tall hairy Wookie. You never know when a bounty hunter's gonna come looking for you.
Not many people that I didn't go to high school with know this, but I was in a band. We were an Air-Guitar band, before it was cool - Aerosmyth. Not to be confused with those sellout punks, whatstheirname? Oh thats right, Metallica
I must say, I am a little partial to that Quentin Tarantino flick, "Resevoir Doggie Style", though why he had to demean the male dogs I'm not sure, and all of Johnny Holmes movies' really make you think. And Weekend At Bernies
8 Simple Rules For Dating My Teenage Callum is just about the most accurate depiction of me in high school I think I've ever seen. The A-Team rocks too, but I was always disappointed that Mr. T (BA) never killed either Murdoch or Face.
Callum's Little Black Book. You never know, you're number might be in there.