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I am here for Friends

About Me

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make me laugh and i'm yours. i love to meet great people and i am always looking for someone who can enjoy the finer things in life, like sitting by a campfire with a few drinks and good music. Get Your Own! | View Slideshow Get Your Own! | View Slideshow Get Your Own! | View Slideshow Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

My Interests

i love music and hanging out with family and friends. the summer is my favorite time of year and i look forward to spending as much time as i can outdoors. my weekends are usually spent hectically running around and then lazily in my sweats with a mudslide.
Two Hundred Random Questions Survey ..
1. Do you have any pets? Why? no, i hate pets
2. One goal you'd like to achieve this year: take a longer vacation
3. Have you ever made a blood oath? no
4. Have you ever been on TV? no
5. Have you ever been dumped? yes
6. Would you sell your soul to the Devil? for some good chocolate
7. Do you look like your mom or your dad? both
8. What store would you choose to max out a credit card? Why? the gap
9. Have you ever had a crush on more than one person at the same time? sure
10. Do you wear makeup? a little
11. If you could change one thing about yourself, it would be: to appreciate people more
12. What does the world need more of? all you need is love
13. Have you ever been on a roller coaster? yup
14. Have you ever been asked out? yesss
15. Would you date someone older than you? hell yeah
16. How do you align yourself politically? i like to vote if i know whats going on
17. What is your biggest fear? not being able to reach my baby
18. Do you wear cologne? not unless its leftover on my pillow
19. Have you ever been home schooled? no
20. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? i need to brush my teeth
21. Logic or art? logic
22. Would you eat sushi? ill try it someday
23. Would you date someone younger than you? maybe
24. Hug or kiss? kiss
25. Do you believe in love at first sight? yup
26. Meat or veggies? veggies
27. Are you registered to vote? (And have you yet?) yes
28. Do you like having your picture taken? Why? not really
29. French or Italian? what men or language--um italian both i think
30. Favorite day of the week? sunday
31. Have you dated anyone you met online? yup
32. Good or evil? i am good
33. Do you find dead people interesting? no
34. Emotional or physical pain? emotional is worse
35. Dogs or cats? dogs--big dogs
36. What's your favorite car? a new one
37. Do you have a boyfriend? no way
38. Do you have a girlfriend? nope
39. Do you like dogs? yes
40. Do you believe in magic? yup
41. Fridays or Ruby Tuesdays? which has the better mudslides
42. Where were you born? worcester , ma woop woop
43. What would you change about the past? i think i would have taken the six year plan in college
44. You are about to die. What do you do with your worldly possesions? sell them all and sail around the world
45. When do you get up? 5:30
46. Do you have a cell phone? yes
47. Favorite age you have been so far? it seems to be getting better--freshman yr in college was fun
48. Do you believe in hell? yes
49. Do you want to go to college? i did, i want to go back
50. Coke or Pepsi? whatever is on tap at work
51. Do you believe in spontaneous combustion? ive seen the pictures, they dont lie
52. Who do you NOT want to meet? a disgruntled student
53. Planes or boats? BOATS
54. Have you ever committed suicide? no
55. Flip-flops or slippers? flip flops
56. Bagels or chicken? raisin bagels with cinnamon cream cheese--yumm
57. Have you ever gone rock climbing? no
58. Are you a health freak? hahahaa, um no
59. What is your favorite name? jailyn
60. Do you have any tattoos? maybe
61. Why do you like the music you do? i have a playlist for everything, i love any good listening music
62. Do you like sports? watching live or with people
63. Do you like your neighbors? Why or why not? i have to they are family, they might gang up and kick me off the street
64. What kind of music do you hate? paris hilton i think that says it all
65. Tastes great, or less filling? tastes great
66. What is your biggest weakness? great eyes
67. Would you be my friend? whose friend
68. Are you color blind? no
69. Have you ever been asked for an autograph? everyday, well technically i guess its a hall pass
70. Do you play an instrument? lol, the flute--tehehe no
71. Have you ever been in an accident? oh yeah
72. What was your New Year's resolution? i dont think i made one
73. Have you ever seen Nine Inch Nails in concert? no
74. Do you cry a lot? only when im being moody, or if i havent slept--yikes look out
75. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? every weekend
76. Do you get along with your parents? yess
77. Name one person you hate, and why: i dont hate anyone
78. What grade are you in? wait am i too old for this
79. Collar popped or normal? normal
80. Rock or rap? whatever mood im in
81. Have you ever broken a bone? yes
82. Have you ever been on a snowmobile? yup
83. What is your favorite number? 4
84. Have you ever missed a meal because you were busy on myspace? no
85. Favorite celebrity? justin gallant
86. Do you love someone? yes
87. What's the best concert you've seen? hootie-
88. What's the longest car ride/road trip you've been on? to mexico-it was very long
89. Do you believe in soul mates? yup
90. Mints or chewing gum? mints
91. Have you ever been camping? all the time
92. Day or night? night
93. Would you run from the police? no way-screw them
94. Would you have sex before marriage? Why or why not? lol, no sex is the devil
95. Have you ever prayed to Bhudda? no but i would try
96. Have you ever been toilet papering? Why? nope
97. Have you ever bought a car? yes
98. Have you ever seen Switchfoot in concert? no
99. Why do you admire people? when they can realize that they are happy
100. What is your best physical feature? my eyes
101. Are you a neat freak? no way
102. Jeans or skirt? jeans
103. Have you ever been homeless? no
104. Who is your newest friend? sara :)
105. What is your favorite IM acronym (lol, omg, ttyl, etc)? lol, its overplayed but i use it alot
106. Ever run away from home? yup
107. Do you know how to drive stick? oh yeah
108. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea? arizona plum green tea, its the best
109. Would you eat human flesh for money? no
110. Would you set yourself on fire? no
111. What is your favorite type of music? anything i can sit around a campfire and listen to
112. Favorite athlete? mia hamm
113. Pancakes or waffles? my homemade waffles
114. Magazines or books? both
115. Pain or no gain? pain
116. Do you pray? sometimes
117. What was the last compliment you GAVE? see how well you do when you study
118. Where did you get your last email from? sally
119. Lace or satin? satin
120. Have you ever been drunk? umm college
121. What is your favorite female name? candace marie
122. Do you like cats? as long as its not mine
123. How many ex boyfriends/girlfriends do you have? three
124. Do you use email, IM, MySpace, or phone the most? email, i have to at work
125. Do you believe in life after love? yeah
126. Have you ever been hit on by the same sex? yes
127. Do you think you're attractive? yes
128. Do you like the taste of blood? mine
129. Apple or Microsoft? microsoft
130. Do you have a blog? no
131. Where did you last go on vacation? camping in moosehead ME
132. What was the last movie you saw in a theater? it was too long ago to remember
133. What do you label yourself as? a red head
134. Have you gone on a date? yup
135. Do you smoke? no
136. How many times a day do you go on myspace? every other or so
137. Are you afraid of the dark? not nay more
138. Have you ever asked someone out? yup
139. Mom or Dad? both are okay
140. Have you ever gone to a public school? yup
141. Would you give me $5? no freaking way
142. Do you hate yourself? no
143. Have you ever been expelled from school? no
144. Orange juice or apple juice? cranberry
145. Have you ever beat someone up? no, i just start to cry
146. Pink or blue? pink
147. Have you ever moshed? unintentionally until i almost died
148. Cell phone, land line, or talking with a mic on the computer? cell phone
149. What is your hair color? red
150. How much do you weigh? excuse me
151. Who is your enemy? the man
152. When do you go to bed? at like 730 during the week and around 330 on the weekends
153. Math or science? both
154. Would you dress as the opposite sex? for jammies i do
155. Have you been on drugs? yes
156. Do you believe in free will? yes
157. What's your favorite band? anything live
158. Are you rude? sometimes ive been told
159. Weekdays or weekends? weekdays, i never get to sleep on the weekends
160. What's your favorite drink? white russian
161. Have you ever had your heart broken? if i had a dollar for everytime
162. Your first crush: jonathan brandon
163. Would you pretend to be someone's bf/gf? yeah
164. What is one bet you've won? i win every bet
165. What is your most missed memory? camping with my mom
166. Explain what you think about dating. i love to date, as long as every stays honest its usually fun
167. Have you ever danced in public? everyday
168. Do you like tongue twisters? yeah they still make me laugh
169. Have you ever failed drivers' ed? Why? no
170. Have you ever been late to work because of myspace? lol, no
171. Have you ever gone to a private school? yes, catholic school girl
172. Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend? nope
173. Who do you have a crush on now? my last fling
174. Have you ever yelled at a telemarketer? no i just hang up
175. Do you know any foreign languages? un mas cervesa por favor
176. Favorite year so far? right now
177. Do you send chain letters very often? i hate them
178. Do you like travelling? yes yes yes
179. Do you like walks in the park? yup
180. How easily do you trust people? Why? not very at all
181. What's your favorite color? its changes
182. What is the longest you have gone without sleeping? three days
183. What do you do most when you're bored? i havent been bored in almost two and a half years
184. Have you ever done yoga? yup
185. Explain what you think about abortion. its up to a woman to decide
186. Do you like cows? i dont hate them
187. Do you have a bad life? no way
188. Do you like to learn? constantly
189. Do you ever use your full name? yup
190. Have you ever written a song? yup
191. Have you ever considered suicide? probably when i was a teenager
192. Are all the pigs lined up? umm?
193. Dominos or Pizza Hut? papa ginos
194. 'Digged' or 'dug'? dug
195. Do you like taking surveys? no
196. Status quo or radical change? radical change
197. Have you ever made a promise you'd die to keep? no, but i should
198. Have you ever snuck anyone into your house? hehe, not since high school
199. Are you a vegetarian? no but i love veggies
200. Abercrombie or Hollister? neither Take this Two Hundred Random Questions survey!
Get another fun MySpace survey! i am a geek and i do love to read and i would be interested to hear from anyone who can juggle a career, education, and social life. basically i love to be happy and enjoy keeping others that way too.

I'd like to meet:

someone with something interesting to say