My full name is...: Karigus D. Perkins
My birthday is on...: August 2nd
My hair color is...: Blk n Red(fynna change it up doe)
My eye color is...: Drk Brwn
My birthstone is...: Peridot(green)
My favorite month is...: August
My favorite season is...: Summer
My favorite sport is...: Football
My favorite hobby is...: Shooting pool
My favorite color is...: Purple(royalty)
I have (this number of) siblings; they are...: 13 (5) sisters and (8) brothers-only 6 of my siblings are blood
My favorite animal is...: Pitbulls(cause imma pitbull in'a skirt)
My favorite song is...: One Blood
My favorite superhero is...: Thundercats
~*Do You...*~: Really know me?
...smoke?: Not anymo'
...drink alcohol?: not anymo'
...party a lot?: never did
...plan to have an education after high school? If so, what major(s)?: Yes, business major in medicine
...like to talk way too much?: nah
...like to swim?: yep,but dont kno how
...enjoy mudwrestling as a hobby?: haven't tried it
...still find cartoons amusing?: hell yea
...play with bubble wrap often?: nah
...have a job?: yep
...always speak with correct grammar?: i tend to find myself doing it alot
...know correct grammar?: Already!
...have a crush on someone? If so, who?: Yes, Lil Wayne aka Birdman Jr.
...have a favorite Sesame Street character?: Elmo of course
~*Can I...*~
...sing?: I've been told i can
...whistle?: Duh!
...cook?: Yea
...ride a bicycle?: Duh!
...drive an automobile?: Like it's a racecar
...drive an automobile well?: Like a pro
...juggle?: two things at once..yea
...moonwalk?: hell no
...play an instrument? If so, which one(s)?: I played da clarinet
...swim?: d'fer back to question above
...walk a tight-rope?: never tried
...multi-task?: most def'
...hold my breath for over 2 minutes?: it's possible
...hold my academics to a high standard?: Dayum skippy
My nicknames are...: Nisey,K.Peezy,Bebe,Lil Dred,Boss Lady,Butterfly,and "daaayum shawty fine"
I live with...: my pussy
My age is...: 25
I want to be a(n) ______ when I grow up.: Artist(rapper)
Animals are...: funky
My favorite day of the week is...: hump day wednesday
Tinky Winky the Teletubby is...: GAy Gay gAY!!!!!!!!
I am an (inside/outside) person.: Both
My personality, in less than 10 words, would be...: Eccentric,Fun,Goofy,Down2Earth,Kinky,and Envied
I take _____ (baths/showers/both/neither).: Neither-i get bathed and showered..hahaha
I think school is...: The best route to go
My favorite style(s) of music is/are...: Hip hop and r&b
My family is...: The best fam in the world
I don't like mariachi bands...okay, that's not a question, but you know...: Suck on a raw egg bitches!!!!!
~*Yes or No?*~
I like politics.: Yes
Cheerleading is a sport.: I guess
I eat turkey on Thanksgiving.: Yes(gobble gobble)
I sleep after I eat turkey on Thanksgiving.: Nope-no time for sleeping
I get drunk on New Year's Eve.: Hell Yells
I am Christian.: Nope
My name is Christian.: Wrong female
Mondays can be good.: Since when?
I wake up as soon as my alarm goes off...the first time.: The third time
I would travel in outer space (even with the risks) if requested to.: Sure will
I would spare someone's life (even a stranger) with my own.: Sure
I was/am a Girl Scout/Cub Scout.: Never
I like cheese.: Yes
I've been out of the country before.: hmmm.. nope
I live in a mansion.: Not yet
I am afraid of heights.: Nah
I am a virgin.: Just like Mary
I curse often.: I dont fucking curse
I can tie my own shoes.: Yep
Sedentary activities are the best.: Anything dat requires me to stay off my pretty feet..u dayum skippy
I am a U.S. citizen.: *looks at her birth certificate* Yea
I've taken a collegiate test (ACT/SAT).: Yes
If yes on previous question:I scored at or above a 50th percentile.: above
I can dress myself.: only until im in a nursing home
When the electricity goes out, I end up dressing with two different shoes.: nope
I know binary code.: im not blind
I like school.: yep
I wear glasses.: im required to wear em but dont
I wear contacts.: nope, dont know how to put em in
I have/had braces.: Hell nah.. been blessed with str8 teeth since birth
I have broken a limb before.: Never(God forbid)
I appreciate the arts.: Sure
Disney movies are cool.: Some
I sometimes read the dictionary for fun.: tru
I exercise philanthropic skills in life. (I am kind to everyonel.): Lmao@that
I am THE GOAT!: Yes THE Gansgta.Of.All.Thugs
I like the song "YMCA".: nope
I am optimistic: Very much so
I am tired of this survey.: How da fuck did you know dat?
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My favorite Artistz are: Bob Marley(im half Jamaican),plus he's da truff-Lil Wayne cauze he's da best freestyla-Jay Z' enuff said-Mia X-Boss(da female rapper)ROY JONES JR/BODYHEAD ENTERTAINMENT(gotta rep my cousin)-and so many more,im a music fan first and foremost
I LOVE SCARY MOVIES(the grudge-saw-etc.) DRAMA(the color purple-etc.) HUMOR(all of Madea's dvd's-etc.) LOVE STORIES(love and basketball-etc) ETC.....
1). Digital Cable 2). ABC 3). Foxx 4). MTV/MTV2 5). BET 6). VH1 7). CartOOn NetWORk 8). MAd T.V.
1). SuSpenSe NoVelz 2). LoVe NoVelZ 3). ScArY NovElz 4). SouRcE MaGaZiNe 5). ThE BiBle 6). EnGlIsH DiCTiOnARy
*MY HERO'Z ARE MYSELF BECAUSE I KNO WHA I'VE BEEN THRU AND IM STILL STANDING,MY MOMZ(for being so strong for da family,MY POPZ MR.LUTHER(cause he's so fuckin raw,plus i take after him)MY KIDZ(because without dem i'd be in my grave)ROY JONES JR.(that man is da rawest heavy weight champ walking,aside from the greatest boxers of the world of course.like ALI and so on)MY GRANDMA GUSSIE(she was crazy as hell but she meant bidness)MY MADEA(cause of her courage and outstanding beauty) AND GOD!!!!