dancing, singing, laughing, learning, reading, playing... seeing the divinity in people... playing didj... sunshine and smiles... the evolution of human conciousness... shamanism... mysticism... spirituality... making magic and manifesting miracles... altered states of consciousness... pink and purple fluffy glittery things... entheogens... astrology...stone circles... sacred sites... indigenous cultures... riding my bicycle... meaningful conversations.. making connections... sharing experiences... alternative medicine... renewable resources... sustainability... the awe-inspiring beauty of our world... doing my bit to help keep the planet from rejecting humanity.
robert anton wilson, god rest his soul. missed the boat on that one though, just have to wait til the next life i guess...
breakbeat & electo (oh yes!), psy-trance, acid techno, dubstep, breakcore, ragga jungle, dub reggae, folk, antifolk, world music, grunge, swamp rock, quite partial to a bit of mozart, trip-hop, old skool, ska punk, political/conscious hip-hop, dnb as long as it's nasty as with a bowel-wobbling bassline, bit of metal just for good measure... anything as long as it's phat!
waking life, what the bleep, leon, rabbit-proof fence, the sound of music, fear & loathing in las vegas, natural born killers, pan's labyrinth, the fountain, zeitgeist.
god-damned social sedative, get it banned!
anything by terry pratchet or robert anton wilson, one hundred years of solitude, catch 22, the english passengers, matilda, bartram's encyclopedia of herbal medicine, the prophet, the road less travelled, conversations with god, the alchemist.
my mum.