MySpace Graphics
MySpace Generators Profile Edited by ProfileMods MySpace Editor 2.0
Likes: this picture cos it makes me cringe; a good 'indulgence friday' NZ stylee; dressing up as a pirate and pretending it's my birthday on brewery tours; over usage of the word ' face '; sandwiches!; when the tennis ball bounces twice (cos i'm lazy) and can get a good top spin on it; changing song lyrics to fit hans name in; Emily in the nursing home telling me i had an ant on my head and it was "wriggling around" when it was blatantly a freckle; old men pointing out free car park spaces even tho they're all empty, and nearly taking their wives out with their walking sticks, quoting the funny and stupid things people have said; dying my hair regardless of how it will look; the video clip of han singing-halloween '05; people laughing when blatantly trying to be angry; Ewan McGregor; the psychological defence mechanism of denial; alliteration cos it's so stupid it's funny; Lee Ryan taming a wild horse in the 'turn your car around' video- what a joke; when people wrinkle their nose; cheesy dancing
dislikes: this picture cos it makes me cringe; yoghurt with bits in; the fact that your nose grows as you get older; DABDA!; some of my friends not utilising myspace; the thought of turning 21 this year....