FRIENDS,frisbee, snowboard, flatland, MUSIC, concerts,vegetables, chocolate,Food NOT Bombs,photographing.... ..
Someone cool..haha I don't really care...;)My hometown.....
JONESTOWN,Gride, Lahar, See You In Hell,Afterbirth Dezinfekce, ZSK,GYALÃZAT, Svine!, Fast Food orchestra, From Ashes Rise, Skatoons, Irie Revoltes,Jack,Funkce Sroubu, Nemá Barikáda, Zemezluc,After The Massacre,Theme Eleven, Red Insect, Dropdead,Jesse James, Basto, Ilegality,Tunguska, Victims,Festa Desperato, Davová Psychoza, Plastered Bastards, svihadlo,Saint Jude,2v1, ska'n'daal,,DS 13,Vilification,Regurgitate...I love so many bands,that I actually can't name them...
Shrek, Brak(really cool czech movie),Madagaskar, Finding Nemo,Trainspotting, Requiem For A Dream,Forest Gump,...and...many others..:)
The Simpsons, Futurama and Extreme Sports chanell...But I don't watch TV a lot...
I like books by Irvine Welsh...and some others...Now I'm reading "Zabiják" by Emile Zola, almost anything by E.A. Poe
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