Join our MySpace to see who else shares your interest in faith! Plus, check out our website for opportunities to gather with other young adult Catholics.
Fusion Area Young Adult Mass, St. Michael's Holy Hour, St. Gerald's Prayer Group, and other opportunities listed on our event calendar. Plus, check out these websites:
Sacred Space, Daily Scripture Readings
Check the event calendar for service opportunities. For information on Catholic Social Teaching or other service and justice projects, take a look at these websites:
Catholic Social Teaching ,
Catholic Relief Services , Hands And Feet Foundation , Food for the Poor , Jesuit Volunteer Corps , Pax Christi Michigan , Project Life
Also, check out the Invisible Children Project
Anyone open to joining us as we explore our connection to God, Christ, and our mission in this world as the body of Christ.
...is awesome! Some folks who are out there sharing God's word through the gifts they've been given: Third Day, Jeremy Camp, Caedmon's Call, Newsboys, Nichole Nordeman, DC Talk, Audio Adrenaline, Terry Gonda, Who Do You Say I Am, Stephen Curtis Chapman, Michael W. Smith, Mercy Me, Phil Wickham, Evan Wickham, Out of Ruin, and hundreds of others who I can't possibly fit into this space. Go out there and make a joyful noise!
...can shape our world and spur us into action. Just a few powerful flicks: Hotel Rwanda, Gandhi, Born Into Brothels, Paperclip, Dead Man Walking, The Passion of the Christ, Romero, The Power of One.
The Good Book (aka The Bible). Check out some powerful theologians, too... C.S. Lewis, Thomas Merton, Dorothy Day, Henri Nouwen, Blessed Mother Teresa, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Augustine, Pope John Paul II, Bishop Fulton Sheen... I know I've left out some biggies...let me know what they are!
Well, Jesus, of course...Mary and Joseph...the apostles...and the saints. I'm not naming names - there are too many! Besides, we are all called to sainthood, and in some way, many of us are, or can be, heroes to someone else out there. Go and do likewise, folks, go and do likewise...