animals, pets, getting drunk, smokin' and tokin', driving to jersey or to anywhere for that matter~Road Trip~, hiking, camping, travel, learning to snowboard, peeing behind dumpsters and shopping.
adopt your own virtual pet!You Are 84% New Jersey!
You are definitely Jersey. Well done, my friend. You are most likely from this great state, and you fit right in. Odds are, you love being Jersey!
How New Jersey Are You?
Too many bands and not enough space. I listen to just about everything, but mostly rock. Sleep Infection is a kickass local metal band that you should check out @
I love my Blockbuster Card..... But some of my favs are Bonnie and Clyde, Scarface and anything by Kevin Smith
That 70's show is the best show, it kicks ass. I said good day!!!
Love them. Anykind, but right now I'm trying to read the classics inbetween naps.
State your name: KaReN
State your location: online
Friend or Foe? who's asking?
Do you get crunk? ?
Do you like shoving people? always
Do you enjoy spitting on children? i believe the children are the future.
Do you rob elderly people for shits and giggles? If i need some
If it was possible to grow them, would you become a fork farmer? ah! the all purpose tool
Asphinctersayswhat? exactly
How do you feel about "self-abortions"? abort me
Do you agree with bananas? it depends where they're from
Does masturbation rule your life? no
Do you cook with heat? i don't, but the microwave does
Name a state in the U.S.A. that means well: N.Y.
Does jay walking piss you off? Have you ever driven with me?
Do you stick things up your nose? yup
Could you place a cockaroach inside your nose and pretend it's not there? GROSS!!!!!
Do you prefer the company of inanimate objects? yes
What is the noise a rabbit makes? hippy hop
Do you approve spontaneous human combustion? i know a few people who that happened to
Do you believe in picture frames? only hanging ones
Name a thought you have while pooping: it depends on what kind
Do you wipe front to back, or back to front? front to back
Where on your body do you grow fur? my downstairs
Explain why a coffee cup would make a good housewife: only if its self cleaning
Do you think people will like you more because of your answers to this survey? who cares
Would you still have friends if pubic hair grew on your forehead? are you still my friend
If you created your own language, what would the equivalent of "cowfucker" be? fuck that cow
Did you enjoy filling out this survey? no
My grandmother for her kindness, patience and love for animals. And my parents for showing me how far you can go for a person you love.