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About Me

weLL wuduYA wAnnA kNoW? Well LetS jusT gO.... inTo tHe sKy & clOUds, i LoVe obScuRity iT leTs tHe inDiVidUaL dEfiNe. a ToAst to ThE grAy aReA bECauSe liFe IS a mySteRy aNd tHE arEa mY dOMaiN. cAn't BreAThE wiTHoUt aRt aND mUsiC MusIc muSiC. i AppReCiaTe tHosE whO hAve gIfTs i dO nOt aNd uSuAlly rEcOgniZe tHeM, yOu aRe mY tEAchErs. i LovE sHaRinG, nEW idEAs aND loFty tHiNKinG, pEopLE pOWeR LiteRAtURe, dReAMs, siMpLiciTy, kAos, dAnCiNg, fiLMs, stARs aNd thE mOOn, tHe sUBcoNciOUs, niGHt, dARknEss, reFLecTiOns, miND eXpAnsiON, LovE, sLowNesS, tEndERneSS, cARing, hOneSty, FaeRieS, sToRieS, fOOd, hEArt, bLUe, tHe deSSeRt, wOndERs & MysTeRies, tRAveL, HiSToRy, tRUth, sOuL, cOUrAge, wiND, sUBstAnCe, feLinEs, cONtRAst, pERsOnaL sTyLe, eXpERimEntAtiOn, sTRawBeRRieS, cORneRs, wAteR, RoCks/mOUntAinS, viSUaLiZatiOn, dEPth, hOnOR, giViNg, piLLoWs, aNd..... tReeS. it'S beEN A touGH RoaD bUt i wOuLDn't cHAngE a tHinG, i beLieVe wE aRe suPPoSed tO leARn fROm oUR exPeriENcEs... eVen iF wE aRe StiLL cLUeLeSs tO tHe LeSSon tHUs fAR.

My Blog

jesus (idea of)

okay. so when i was maybe a teenager i had denounced the notion that jesus was ever real simply by thinking to myself that i would die for my family or friends alone, let alone the entire world. and h...
Posted by on Thu, 04 Aug 2005 19:46:00 GMT

the collapse

sometimes it's hard. growing up you learn alot. at this current state, is when i lose my lessons, i see all the things that need to be myself as well as the entire country and the...
Posted by on Thu, 07 Apr 2005 06:32:00 GMT

snow snow snow

it's snowing again. i love the snow. it reminds me i am on earth, though it falls from the heavens. it highlights all the tree branches and hushes the air. falling on the city like a gravity blanket p...
Posted by on Mon, 28 Feb 2005 21:01:00 GMT


i walk to the park almost every night with trixie (my adopted dog) at patterson. i love the park at night. it's quiet. there is this pond with trees lit up by the streets in the distance, faintly, and...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Jan 2005 23:24:00 GMT


hey guys.... so maybe the last one was a little hard to read... it was in character and i realize it's hard to interpret. whatever, scorn my creativity. i have learned alot in my new home, i'm comfor...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Jan 2005 18:53:00 GMT


heY kidS. hoWsgOing. sO, i aM doZchinG veLL, as SZhou aLL kNow, I'va MooVdA. yeS thIs gReaT tOwn Has BeeN nIcE 2 mE. wHeaThER i'm At thE sPOt, sKatIN de sTReeTs, meeTin folKs, or cLeaRinG thE muCk fRo...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Nov 2004 20:56:00 GMT