I don't believe all trees are friendly. I love the ocean and anything associated with the ocean...sailing, scuba diving, swimming, sea glass, fish. Sailors. Not seagulls or sharks though. Sharks scare me. Any man who says "Sharks are the perfect eating machines" is annoying, trite and predictable. Equally annoying and predicatable are women who say "Shoes turn me on". Except for a few exceptions. I'm a hypocrite. I believe in reincarnation. I believe i was once a miserable coal-miner which might explain why i am opposed to fossil fuels. And dark, stuffy places with no air. Otherwise i'd love dark, stuffy places with no air, just like everyone else. Past lives can ruin your current experience(s), which blows. Thank you for your time and consideration on this matter.Background By Profile ModsMySpace Layouts
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