7-11, 8x8, adult swim, anime, aquateen hunger force, athf, barkley, big o, brad sucks, brak, brak show, bungie.net, carl, cartoons, chappelle show, cheese, cky, clerks, comedy central, comic-con, comics, computers, conan o'brian, counter strike, counter-strike, csun, dead kennedies, dead milkmen, devo, dr pepper, family guy, fight club, five iron frenzy, flcl, food, free stuff, futurama, gabe, gmail, halo, halo 2, hawnay troof, hb:aal, hesh, home movies, hot rod zoidberg, ice cream sandwiches, in-n-out, keven smith, kids in the hall, livewire, mc chris, mc frontalot, meatwad, megas xlr, mel brooks, monty python, moonites, movies, music, nerdcore, penny arcade, penny-arcade, pixies, ramones, reel big fish, reservoir dogs, sealab, sexy losers, sg1, sg:c2c, sidekick, ska, slurpee, soda, sprite, stargate, staring at people, t-mobile, tarantino, the aquabats, the interweb, the pillows, the simpsons, they might be giants, toonami, toonzone, transplants, tv, tycho, universal studios, universal studios hollywood, upright citizens brigade, vg cats, video games, videogames, web comics, williams street, xbox, xbox live, zombie jesus
The Space Pope, Mayor McChesse, the guys of Williams St., Lord Mootikins, Sir (W.T.) Snacks (Of the ban table)