Dylan profile picture


Yesterday Is Gone, Tomorrow Never Comes

About Me

Hola mi amigos! welcome to the wonderful world of Dylan!! Here you will find a vast amount of very uninteresting things, yay! ok well I am Dylan, I'm in the area between sophmore year and junior year grade. I like to run, and i don't care if you think thats gay because your probably fat. For most of my free time I like to hang out with my friends just doing whatever. .. You Have Reached Your Destination .. La Cucaracha Bitches

My Interests

Music, Hockey, Soccer, Running, Girls, Shiny things, Video Games, Swords, other sharp objects, FIREWORKS, and The Human Anatomy.... of girls that is...

I'd like to meet:

My Uncle Vyse, Tidus, Auron, you know the works.


Dream Theater, Nickelback, Avenged Sevenfold, Goldfinger, Billy Talent, Led Zeppelin, Green Day, OAR, Jimmy Eat World.


Happy Madison Productions


Tv sucks, besides cartoons like Avatar, Pokemon, and Dragonball Z


Books are for squares but harry potter is good


Blaise Henning, Eric Berger, Dan Brunelle, and of course my uncle Vyse..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
Tell Everyone About Yourself
Time started:: 6:35
Basic About you:
Name:: Dylan Andrew Fettig
Gender:: Male
Height:: 75 in.
Eye color:: Blue
Hair Color:: Blonde
Age:: 15
Birthday:: Feb 23 91
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous:: Right
Piercings:: Nope
Tatoos:: No
Zodiac Sign:: Pieces
Ring Size:: Big
Grade:: 10
More about you:
Are you named after anyone?: Not That I Know Of
Do you live in the moment?: Most Of The Time
Do you consider yourself tolerent to others?: To People I Care About
Do you have any secrets?: Yes But If I Told It Wouldn't Be A Secret
Do you hate yourself?: No
Do you like your handwriting?: NO IT SUCKS
Do you have any bad habits?: Yes
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: Yes I'm Awesome Duh
Any regrets?: Yes
Do you think life has been good so far?: Yes
Are you confident?: Most of the time
How long does it take you to shower?: 15 mins
What color is your room?: Green
Where do you want to attend college?: Mich. State
Do you...?
Smoke?: Never It's Freaking Gross
Do drugs?: Never That's Freaking Dumb
Drink?: Never That's Freakind Dumb Too
Go to church?: Couple times
Sleep with stuffed animals?: No I Used To Though, My Panda
Take walks in the rain?: Yes, Unless It's Down Pouring
Talk to people even if you hate them?: Yes
Drive?: Not legally
Believe in premarital sex?: Yes
Want to get married?: Yes
Want to go to college?: Yes
Want to have children?: Yes
Sing in the shower?: Yes
Get along with you parents?: Some Times
Get along with your sibling/s?: Some times
Color/highlight your hair?: 7th Grade!
Like coffee?: With a lot of sugar and milk
Wear makeup everytime you go out?: No
Love roller coasters?: Yes Cedar Point!
Like to cook?: Yes It's Enjoyable To Eat The Food
Have you ever...?
Hurt yourself? : Yes Not On Purpose Though
Been out of the country?: No
Been in love?: Define love for me
Done drugs?: Not illegal ones
Gone skinny dipping?: Want to
Had surgery?: No
Played strip poker?: Haha sure
Been on stage?: Yes 8th Grade
Pulled an all nighter?: Many a time
Gone one day without food?: Maybe but thats dumb
Slept all day?: Yes When I'm Sick
Kissed a stranger?: Uhh No That's Wierd
Had a dream that came true?: Yes
Broken the law?: Yes
Stolen anything?: Yes
Been on radio/tv?: Hmm i dont know
Been in a mosh-pit?: Yes
Bungee jumped?: No
Had a dream that kept coming back?: Yes and thats freaking wierd
Gone out of state?: Couple of times
Live in other states?: No
Eaten an entire box of oreos?: I don't like oreos
Had a movie marathon?: Probably
Spun until you were immensely dizzy?: Yes
Been on a plane?: No
Ran into a wall?: Probably, But Not On Purpose
Been rejected by a crush?: Yes
Cried in public?: Probably When I Was A Young Lad
Cried over a movie?: Yes, I Am Sam is a sad movie i dont care what you say
Pranked called someone?: Yes at three in the morning...
Gotten a cavity?: Yes
Shopped at Abercrombie and Fitch?: No that place scares me
Broken a bone?: My leg
Fallen from a tree?: Yes and i didnt spill the Dew!!
Passed out?: No
Been to a theme park?: Cedar Point is the shit!
Eaten sushi?: I hate fish
This or That
Pepsi or Coke:: Coke, but mountain dew is the best
McDonalds or BUrger King:: BK
Chocolate or Vanilla:: Vanilla
Black or White:: White
Burgers or Hot dogs:: Burgers
Boxers or breifs:: Boxers
Book or magazine:: Book
TV or radio:: Radio, TV sucks
is the glass half empty or half full:: Half full
sun or moon:: Moon, i like the night
hot or cold:: Cold, you can always put more clothes on
romantic comedy or thriller:: Romantic Comedy, they don't make thrillers anymore
waffles or pancakes:: Waffles
Florida or california:: They both suck ass, too many natural disasters
Black and white or color photos:: Black and white
The city, the beach, OR the country:: Country
Tennis shoes or sandals:: Sandals
Sweet or sour:: Sour
Private or publie school:: Public
Cappuccino or coffee:: Cappuccino
English or history:: History
Science or math:: Math
Do you believe ...?
in miracles?: Yes
in magic?: No
in God?: Yes
in Satan?: No
in ghosts?: Yes, ouigi boards are messed up
in luck?: Yes
in love at first sight?: No
in Santa?: No
in the Easter Bunny?: No
in witches?: No
that it's possible to remain faithful forever?: No
in wishing on shooting stars?: I haven't really tried that
that cussing is a necessity in life?: No
yourself?: Yes
Love and all that -
Do you consider love a mistake?: No
If someone you had no interest in had interest in dating you how would you: I would tell them i don't like them, in a nice way that is
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them?: Yes, it's hard keeping a relationship without knowing someone
What is worst about the opposite sex?: How they act dumb when they're really not
Who and when was your first crush?: 1st grade Molly Touran...
First thing you notice about the opposite sex?: If they're 500 pounds or not
Right this moment...
What are you wearing?: Long Sleeve Shirt, Pants
What are you worried about?: What I'm Doing This Weekend
What book are you reading?: To Kill A Mockingbird
What time is it?: 6:55
Are you bored?: Yes
Are you tired?: Kind of
Are you talking to anyone .. or on the phone?: No, well Mike kind of
Are you lonely or content?: Content
Are you listening to music, if so then what?: Yes Avenged Sevenfold
The Last...
Dream you had:: Last night, i had a sweet sword for some reason
Nightmare:: Last night, i dont know was going on
Time you cried:: I Don't Know
Movie you watched:: Employee Of The Month
Movie you rented:: No Idea
Book you read:: Harry Potter
Word you said:: Bye?
Time you laughed:: When i beat psycobillie freakout on Guitar Hero
Person to call you:: No one loves me enough
CD you played:: Goldfinger, i dont own any other CD's
Song you listened to:: Girlfriend
annoyance:: Mother
IM sent or recieved:: "That sucks" to Michael
Time you yelled:: Little bit ago
Person you yelled at:: Mother
time you were a skirt:: I never "was" a skirt but the last time i wore one was probaby at sarah's house
time you fought with your parents:: Today
Time you wished on a shooting star:: Last summer
Thing you ate:: Romain Noodles
Time you showered:: This Morning
Nail polish color worn:: Uhh Red, White, and Blue
Your favorite:
Type of gum:: WinterFresh
Restaurant:: Roast and Toast
Season:: Summer/Winter its a tie
Type of weather:: 90 and sunny
Emotion:: Love, if thats an emotion...
Color:: Green
Perfume:: Uhh I Don't Know I've smelt Some Pretty Good Ones
Candy:: Airheads
Pizza topping:: Pepperoni
Fruit:: Kiwi
Veggie:: Carrot
Type of cake:: Vanilla
Magazine:: Game Informer :P
TV Show:: Dragon Ball Z/Avatar
Day of the week:: Friday
Month:: July
Holiday:: Christmas/Fourth Of July
Number:: 23
Sport to watch:: Hockey/Soccer
Flower:: Rose
Time Finished:: 7:10
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