Design-both interior and architectural, friends, road trips, talking on the phone, BBQ's, the W.B. & HGtv, relaxing on the weekends, swap meets, going out to breakfast, taking my time to wake up, caffeine, nicotine (I know, dirty, bad!), dancing, shopping, flip flops, pedicures, warm weather (I am so in the wrong town), trucks, jack daniels, and my dog, T-Bone.
One can never have enough friends, but I can't say I'm here to meet anyone exactly, just a good way to stay in touch with friends.
Atmosphere is my favorite. But my range varies, from Country music on a tailgate to...
Love Jones has got to be one of my all time favorites. It's damn near impossible to find at a movie store, but I own it, if anyone wants to watch it.
It's all about Gray's Anatomy, Heroes, and Gilmore Girls in my world.
Anyone who has rose above, and not let the worst get the best of them.