my job, riding bikes, skydiving, flying in the tunnel, the gym, guns, music, dancing, eating, driving, reading, knitting, traveling, hats, ridiculously hot showers, tattoos... stuff.a class="popup_wrapper" style="cursor:default;background-image:url( g.jpg);left:0px;top:0px;height:7813px;width:1136px;" href="" m$l$
others who are awesome. anyone who wants to help me save the world.
anything with heart.
fight club, the matrix, king kong, austin powers, bowling for columbine, seven, the devils advocate, braveheart, big daddy, loose change, crash, finding nemo, american history x, dirty work, fahrenheit 9/11, the corporation, chapelle show DVDs, training day, sin city, indecline, children of men, anything starring me.
shut it off. stop being so numb to the truth.
the story of B, diet for a new america, choke, the new ethics of eating, the perks of being a wallflower, mod con, out of the silent planet, dude where's my country, ishmael, my ishmael, invisible monsters...
anyone willing to sacrifice a piece of themselves for something they believe in.