One line each,
is a four-piece band set up by four random people in 2005.
We play sort of modern rock/hardcore ( or at least what hardcore used to be). *We are not up our own arses and are trying to do something a bit different from your average beat-down, girls trousers, short wearing in the winter time, non musical "hardcore" that seems to be everywhere these days. We are not straight edge fags, excuse the generalisation however being straight edge does not make you a better person than everyone else and those who believe it does and wave their x's like a moral hierarchial flag can fuck off, if you get the drift* We're also all good friends with the greedy king. we do love that Dom. Ohh and bez is a stalion. Bring back the old hardcore! if you don't agree with any of this then we couldnt care less...PEACE!
If you would like to book us please send us a message