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Malibu Drew

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I now have recordings! They are just a start so please be kind and rewind booooyeee! That's the place to be, right there. :)

"But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him." - John 4:23

We are a generation that knows a lot about the promises of God, but knows very little of the fear of God. We know what we expect of Him, but we know little of what He expects from us.

My name is Andrew. I'm passionate about God, I'm passionate about worship. I was born and raised in West Virginia, where I still reside. Not sure where God is taking me or what He has in store for me, but I'm excited for it! I love to sing and play keyboard, preach (although I don't get to), and write. Influences are my Savior Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Lindell Cooley, my old youth pastor Chet Caudill, the ministry and teachings of men like Leonard Ravenhill, Keith Green, Evan Roberts, Charles Finney...actually you could name any number of revivalists and they have all had an influence on me.
I am an extremely happy person! It doesn't take much to entertain me. I'm fascinated by the little and simple things of life. I've been through a lot in my short time on earth, but I've never missed a beat. I thank God for that. I love to do things, but I also like to sit still and listen. I love to play almost every sport Cricket is exempt. I mean really, what's that sport even about? And I've never played rugby either, although it could be fun I suppose. I sometimes train in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, when time allows. I love nature and photography, especially the two combined. I always have my digital camera with me in case I see a cool photo opportunity. I love all seasons, but fall is my favorite. There's just something I love about wearing jackets and walking through the leaves. It's picturesque I guess you could say. And I love seeing all the beautiful colors in the leaves. I want to travel to New England some day during the fall and see the scenery. Umm, what else...I read a lot, in between everything else I do. I'm upbeat, I'm optimistic, and I'm excited about what my future holds! God's got great things in store for me, and I just want to share it with anyone who might even be the least bit interested! haha But God has done so much in my life, things that no one may ever know about, and if He can save me, He can save anybody! Your life is never without hope, it is never without value, it is never without meaning. I want to help people who are hurting, down and out, because I know what it's like, and I know what God can do, even if they don't.
Besides this myspace, I also operate another called fireonthealtar . Check it out!!
I want my life to be summarized by one word: worshipper. The one thing I want to be in life, more than a minister, more than a singer, more than anything...I want to be a true worshiper of Jesus. Everything else will come out of that. I'm the worship leader at my church. I sing and play keyboard. I have been singing most of my life and I have loved every minute of it! I've only been playing keyboard since around June 2007 when I came back from Nashville. I'm learning of course, but I think God has given me great grace in that area to do things I wouldn't normally be able to do. At any rate, I'm loving every minute of it!! It's a dream, a heart's desire that I've had for years that is finally coming true!!! In addition to music, I love to study, read, and write about revivals and what God is doing in the church throughout history and today.
I posted this video on my fireonthealtar myspace. It's titled "Do You Know God?". It's really powerful! Hope you are blessed!

My Interests

Revivals and moves of God throughout history and today. Worship and music, especially when they are combined. Photography. Reading. Sports. History, especially WWII.

I'd like to meet:

Jesus. President George Bush. I've had the privilege of shaking his hand but I would actually like to talk to him. John Kilpatrick. Steve Hill. Dr. Michael Brown. Sean Hannity. Glenn Beck. The real Bill Krampe.
Keith Green, Leonard Ravenhill, Smith Wigglesworth, Frank Bartleman, Evan Roberts, William Booth, Charles Finney, Charles Spurgeon, David Brainerd, John and Charles Wesley, Martin Luther, Paul, the disciples...
...and many other men and women of God from the past.


Keith Green. Lindell Cooley. Desperation Band. Hillsong United. Other worship music. Lifehouse. Alter Bridge.


Some new, a lota old. Definitely the Band of Brothers series.

Check out this video. It is just awesome, that's all I can say. Watch it for yourself. It brought me to tears.


MST3K. The Pretender. Ulitmate Fighter/UFC. Brit coms. Other various and sundry programs.


Bible (NKJV). "Secret Place of Joy". "Azusa Street". "The Revival We Need". "Charles Finney's Lectures on Revival". "Fox's Book of Martyr's". "The Pilgrims Progress" parts 1 and 2. Band of Brothers. The Biggest Brother. Brothers in Battle, Best of Friends. Anything else WWII related. The Chronicles of Narnia series. The Lord of The Rings series. "Robin Hood". Various classics


Jesus, the ultimate revolutionary. President George W. Bush. My sister Holly. ;)
The millions of people throughout history who have willingly laid their lives down for the sake of Christ. All of the people in my "Like to Meet" section. People today who refuse to follow the norm when it comes to Christianity, choosing instead to live lives that are abandoned to Christ!

My Blog

Dating and Relationships

Hello everyone! I'm back, and personally, I'm glad. I need to write more often as it is something I love to do. I've been thinking a lot about relationships and dating in general lately. I don't know,...
Posted by Malibu Drew on Sun, 18 May 2008 09:15:00 PST


I was talking with my friend Kevin about something. We both find it funny how Pentecostal preachers have a tendency to give names to years. I mean, every year around January or February, it seems ther...
Posted by Malibu Drew on Sun, 11 May 2008 01:34:00 PST

Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God

This is the original text of the famous message preached by Jonathan Edwards over two hundred years ago. It's powerful, a little long, but a good read. If we could only see a return to this kind of pr...
Posted by Malibu Drew on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 11:18:00 PST


I can't really describe how I am right now. I'm, in a manner of speaking, quietly upset. I've been agonizing inside over the state of things lately. I feel pulled and stretched, like I'm struggling to...
Posted by Malibu Drew on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 07:57:00 PST


No, I'm not talking about the ABC mini-series from the 1970's. I'm talking about spiritual roots. Moral roots. I've been thinking a lot lately. There are things in my life that simply put, are not rig...
Posted by Malibu Drew on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 04:38:00 PST

We need Jesus!! We need holiness!!

I'm so fed up with the way our society treats and views women. I'm no feminist, in fact I believe there are certain things women shouldn't do. I'm also no chauvinist, believing that women should stay ...
Posted by Malibu Drew on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 07:02:00 PST

Tame Your Tongue, Guard Your Heart

1 My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment. 2 For we all stumble in many things. If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, abl...
Posted by Malibu Drew on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 03:32:00 PST

A lil' Survey 'bout me!

1) FIRST NAME: Morgan (if you're laughing...SHUT UP! lol jk)2) WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE: Yeah, my grandmother's family name is Morgan, so I was named after them. Actually, the first settler of West...
Posted by Malibu Drew on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 07:53:00 PST

New Day New Love

A new day dawnsA light breeze gently stirs the treesCalling them, "Wake up! It's the dawn of a new day!"I open my eyesTake in the beauty of it allAnd my heart burns with love I think of You and I am a...
Posted by Malibu Drew on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 07:28:00 PST

A place of worship

Have any of you come to the place where you can just sit and sing to God? Where the words just flow out our your spirit? Where everything you say is random...and yet...connected? I started coming to t...
Posted by Malibu Drew on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 07:26:00 PST