My name is Sylvanas Windrunner and I am a tall pale Banshee sorta thing. I don't even know what I'm supposed to be. At one point I was an elf, then I wasn't, then I kinda was again. It's confusing. I've got hair I keep under a bandana, and I have an impressive force ready to be called at the drop of a hat.
Other than that, I like practicing my tradeskills with Arthur Moore (He's a great leatherworker, if you are ever in the Undercity stop by and say hello!), drinking the drinks from the Darkmoon Faire from when they pass through Mulgore, the lovely rain that falls over by the huge shiny sphere around the city of Dalaran - it sparks a little when it hits the purple thing.
[ this account is maintained by Hanami on the Argent Dawn US server. Alliance side. ]