Hi Everybody! Hi Katoh!
§ Every person you meet, is fighting a bigger battle.
§ Never watch Pan's Labyrinth while high.
§ Vincent Price is theman.
§ Fads suck.
§ Cthulhu is my god.
§ I'm proud to be pale.
§ Happiness is a warm puppy.
§ I find that most often in my mellow pursuit of males that the ones I desire do not desire me back and the ones that do wish to get into my britches are merely just desperate for any female companionship whatsoever. Does that bring my self esteem down? Of course it does. Am I modest to the point of self depreciating because of the past with being verbally abused and taunted for 19 years of my life by my peers? Of course. I'm happy with myself. I love myself. I just wish someone felt the same way... well not just someone, but I won't go further.
§ Don't ever EVER tell me anything just to boost my ego or make me feel good. Be honest and forthcoming with me unless you really do want to manipulate me emotionally.
§ Kate needs snuggles.
§ CSI and Numbers rock.
§ Slow days at work suck
§ Don't ever make me feel guilty about not hanging out with you if I'm not feeling up to it. I'm sick, you know that, I know that, everyone knows it. Care enough to remember or even give a shit.
§ I love myself, but I don't like myself right now especially my fragile emotions as of current.
§ My love is absolute.
§ Australian Cattle dogs rock.
§ I'm a redhead as of current but a natural blonde.
§ Killian's Irish Red rocks.
§ I run a Bellacino's in LOtown so if you want to drop by and see me or get food.. come by at night and I'm sure to be here.
§ The shifting fluctuations of social group dynamics makes me ill at ease perpetually forcing actions and thoughts to conclude spending one on one time with others rather than in large groups. Planning events to combine everyone together is fucking ridiculous when having to sacrifice one person from coming so another one WILL come. Lads and lasses need to cowboy the fuck up and deal with their inner demons and outward problems in an adult manner.
§ Yes, I consider myself goth. Have a fuckin' problem with it? Wearing black clothing and bondage pants doesn't make me goth. Nor does the type of music I listen to or the kind of people I hang out with. No, I don't go around pale because I want to look sick. I just burn easily in the sun and avoid it at times... and furthermore I'm an night owl and huge astronomist. I prefer the night sky and stars.
Gothic was a time period. A type of architecture and a type of mindset. Creativity mixed with eccentric ideals and adoration for the eclectic; whether it be literature, paintings, hobbies, clothing, religion or music or all of the above. We are the realistic hippies. We love all and wish for peace but we aren't so optimistic and blind to the ways of the world. We don't spout off how everyone should live to make life better. We merely work on our own personal practices which some condemn as hedonistic though they neglect to see how we are the sensual beings. In tune with others and with ourselves. We are intellectuals, gamers, geeks, models, moms and dads. We just are who we are and all the cliches and jokes may discourage others and if so... so be it. Thing is... we don't need you to care... Above all, I'm a descendant of the German Gothics who battled against the Romans. Stuff that in your pretentious pipe and smoke it.
No, I'm not emo even though everyone does get emotional sometimes and exhibiting such emotion does not make one emo unless that someone is merely doing it to gain attention and force a whole woe is me personality towards others about how horrible they have it in life. When in reality, their problems in no way compare to most of the crapass hands we are dealt in life.