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All "frantic" rebels and also interesting peopleall over the world!Much later even all of them in heavendeern tooten!At first all pretty women that my list isn´t so! It is hard for us to understand thatwe can not meet June Carter Cashand Johnny Cash in this life........
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Good, Rock´n Roll, Rockabilly, dirty old Blues, Folk, old Punk, Hillbilly, Hobo, Country, Bluegrass, Western, Psychobilly, Surf and so on crazy + fast + dirty Halleluja!!Too much to write some are listed in my friends list! At First Johnny Cash + June Carter Cash, Carl Perkins
Dirty Harry, Braveheart, Full Metal Jacket, Pulp Fiction, Walk the line and so on
My day isnt long enough to watch TVimg src=" ooh_wallah.gif" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video
Too much to list....
Dr. Martin Luther 1483-1546, .... Duffy Duck, Bambi...
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