Huinca "New Album and Tour coming soon" profile picture

Huinca "New Album and Tour coming soon"


About Me

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Huinca was formed in Santiago of Chile, in late 2001 by Mauricio Contreras (vocals and guitar), Miguel Yáñez (drums), Jorge “Cocke” Cumplido (guitar) and Flavio Salas (bass guitar). They previously started playing speed metal in the band Stonehenge. Recording the demo “When passions smashes reasons” in 1998, the band began their career. Some of the musicians have professional studies of music so the traditional metal music was not motivational for the band. So they started to look for a fresh new way to play music keeping the feeling and power of metal. The musical change came when the band realized that by going back to their roots, and at the same time keeping rock alive, it would be a new way to create music from the heart. Classic rock music uses folklore and black roots so “why can't we use the roots and melodies from this side of the world (the last country in the world)?” they said. So they started to compose new music using influences from north to south of Chile (Eastern island included), taking the most expressive rhythms and melodies mixing it with rock- metal music. When the music was ready, the first performances produced fresh powerful shows. This was the beginning of the creation of an album that would be powerful yet modern. After 6 months of pre-production Huinca was ready to record the songs. Telecombs Inversiones (Miami, USA) financed the record making a personal and friendly deal with the band, leaving the band free to makes future dealings with any company. Thanks to them the album was completed successfully. The album was called Huinca, same as the band, to brand the name in the minds of the audience. 10 tracks of metal, roots and rock music were recorded (including two sung in Spanish). Lyrics for (Rewards) are written from the perspective of “no more lies and abuses from the church". The Aboriginal struggle for identity, and attempts to assimilate and convert them, influenced the writing of ( Mari chi weu), the Mapuche warrior war scream, which means 'ten times we will win'. (Stone's Dreams) encourages the people to fight for their dreams. (Charity) depicts a lonely life consumed by emptiness. (Fobia), the fear of being human . (Scars) is a dark song of thoughts about broken hearts. “Chile is the major copper producer in the world. That is our most important metal, so we played with that idea making the visual concept of copper. Copper=Chilean Metal."
Junio del a..o 2001. Huinca se forma como proyecto definitivo, cuando Mauricio Contreras, Miguel Y..nez, Flavio Salas y Cocke Cumplido decidieron cambiar el estilo que tocaban anteriormente. Cansados del clasico pattern metalero que practicaban decidieron construir riffs con un mayor sentido e identidad propia. Asi busco en los distintos estilos que dominaban, un lenguaje comun a su identidad. Con un mensaje de comprension de que la Chilenidad es un cuerpo mestizo fisico y mental. Todos los pasos llegaron a la misma reflexion, no habia que salir a buscar el estilo, la busqueda estaba adentro, en la musica con la que se crece y se reniega. Al unir el metal a los ritmos y melodias aborigenes, nacia un nuevo molde para construir lo que se transformaria en el concepto total de Huinca.Mientras desarrollaban la estructura, se presentaban con su antiguo nombre (Stonehenge), y en cada actuacion se reforzaba la idea de tocar melodias mas autenticas, autoctonas, mas cercanas. En los conciertos la banda insinuaba los nuevos ritmos y sonidos en arreglos e introducciones, que en realidad resultaban m..s potente que el repertorio en si.Fue asi que Huinca, en su album debut, hace su primer viaje ritmico a traves de Chile. Es el comienzo de la primera vision aerea, desde donde observaremos La tierra de los terremotos. Con un disco donde los sonidos traen en si "musica de la Tierra".

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Member Since: 4/18/2006
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Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


New videos this week Huinca - "Boicot" and "Ruca" Rammstein - "Ich Will" (live) City Sleeps - "Prototype" Trivium - "Becoming The Dragon" Megadeth - "Never Walk Alone"...
Posted by Huinca "New Album and Tour coming soon" on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 09:37:00 PST

Mujeres gratis en Batuta el 13 de septiembre

Como lo anuncia el titulo, el show en Batuta el 13 de septiembre permite a las mujeres entrar gratis hasta las 12 de la noche. Ese día haremos un show especial presentando parte del nuevo material de ...
Posted by Huinca "New Album and Tour coming soon" on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 12:22:00 PST

More recording sessions

Hi! while our lead guitar player Cocke is in USA we continue recording our new album. Mauricio and Crisitan "sound enginner" like lab rats are working the sounds and...
Posted by Huinca "New Album and Tour coming soon" on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 03:29:00 PST

Huinca Show en Brasil

Hangar 110 en Sao Paulo, Brasil el año 2005STONES DREAMS FOBIA Grabación Aficionada...
Posted by Huinca "New Album and Tour coming soon" on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 06:58:00 PST


We are happy to tell you that we have a new edition of "HUINCA" CD in Canada.The Canadian Record Company Label called L.H.D.L.B. Records (La Hora de la Bestia Records),will re - make a limited edition...
Posted by Huinca "New Album and Tour coming soon" on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 11:42:00 PST

HUINCA chating tonight!

tonight we will be chating  here:  waiting for you friends!
Posted by Huinca "New Album and Tour coming soon" on Fri, 11 May 2007 01:38:00 PST

Mauricio recording voices

Huinca continue recording process. Mauricio is going this weekend to record new voices for the new album. Cocke get endorsed by Khaler International  tremolo and guitar solos will be ready i...
Posted by Huinca "New Album and Tour coming soon" on Fri, 04 May 2007 09:35:00 PST


Hey guys !!! As always... we've been working hard on finishing our next second album but now we have to tell youthat we thank for the great job made by Busy Noise Inc.Huinca's music now it's been hear...
Posted by Huinca "New Album and Tour coming soon" on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 12:27:00 PST

Sic Semper Tyrannis... Folk -Core is coming

Yes friends thats the name of our new album. Sic semper Tyrannis! thus always to tyrants, Asi siempre a los Tiranos.
Posted by Huinca "New Album and Tour coming soon" on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 08:05:00 PST

bass work and guitars works done!

Bass work and guitars work are done..except by solos. which will be recorded very soon. we are looking for something different to record vocals and maybe we are going out of town to do it. the album i...
Posted by Huinca "New Album and Tour coming soon" on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 10:24:00 PST