PICKLES!! FRIED PICKLES!! PIRATES PIRATES PIRATES. Traveling, Toys, Hot wheels, MONSTER TRUCKS, TIKIS, old photos, Music, Lowbrow Art, Hair and Style, old friends and making new friends, Creating Anything, hot rods, Cheap Snowglobes, Surfing, anything vintage, urban vinyl, taxadermy (the weirder the better!).
Anyone who is willing to be down for whatever. i don't mean that in a sleezy way.My support team!!And anyone that looks like this!!!!
Anything that sound good. But if I had to list a few. Mars Volta, Bad Religion, Throw Rag, Rev. Horton Heat, Modest Mouse, The Cynics, The Kickass, Johnny Cash, Buddy Holly, Fugazi, De la sol, Ice T, Too Short, Easy E, 50 Cent, Mates of State, kool keith, tribe called quest, turbonegroValient Thorr
The Warriors, Night at the Roxbury, Teacher's Pet, Scarface, The Little Mermaid, Anything Will Ferrell (he's so funny), Gummo
The Travel Channel, Bravo, BET, Style Channel, E!, History Channel (it's where I learn), Law and Order, Nip/Tuck, Lots of Reality, The Chappell Show.
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I have only read a couple of biographies but on people I already liked, any art book (more like coffee table books), Oh I have read all the Harry Potters, Childrens Books always wanted to publish my own one day. But other then that reading gives me headaches and so do reading glasses. So I just don't read. If I want to learn something I will watch the History Channel.
My mother, Olivas, Mr. Hopkins, Tom Depriest, Ed Roth, Dali, Marilyn Monroe, anyone who has inspired or taught me something new to me is a hero.
How gangsta are you? by Aladinsane85
Your Name
Your New Gangster Name Milla Killa
..span style='color: ..FFFFFF;'Your Gangster Percent: 97% ..tr
Your Money You'll Make Hustling $526,244
Number of People In Your gang 41
Number Of Times You'll Get Shot 3
What You'll Look Like Gangster
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