Hah. Where to start. Books. Art, illustration, and most things related to my profession. Paper-making. Story-telling. Geeky things like anime and video games. Translating Vergil, and making snarky comments about Ovid. Translating Japanese comic books and making snarky comments about fan-girls. Most things interest me, however.
Interesting people. I need new friends. I'm rather geeky, and like the type. I'd rather meet smart and articulate people than the drop-dead gorgeous (not that I'd mind that either...) And please oh please, people who can write properly. I don't do L33t, and bad grammar/spelling makes me wince and reach for the delete keys. I'm getting too many emails from people with rubbish writing. Grr.
I listen to soundtracks and audiobooks as I work. I'm very partial to ska and jazz. Ambient and and J-pop take up a large part of my hard drive as well. I'm a massive fan of a Japanese jazz band called Orange Pekoe. My only musical limits are that I won't listen to country/western that dates past the mid-80's (when c/w became either whiney or hyper-patriotic) or the really un-lyrical section of rap music that tends to be a shopping list for bling instead of an actual song.
I find cinemas to be over-priced and too loud for me to enjoy the experience of watching things on the really big screen, sadly. They seem to set the volume at 'deafening'. I tend to see about two films a year, usually CGI or animated.
Discovery channel or Animal Planet if I bother at all.
I've got way too many to list. So, the books I reread and/or use the most: The Count of Monte Christo (the new Penguin translation, with all the kinky Byron/vampirism and opium den stuff put back in); my pocket Japanese dictionary and the massive kanji book from hell; Any of the Lord Peter Whimsey books by Dorothy L. Sayers, but especially Murder Must Advertise. I find Tamora Pierce's Living Circle series a lovely re-read.
Batman is my hero. My Dad is very nifty too, but lacks a utility belt.