*Elsa* profile picture


Lock up the women and hide the fried chicken! (Crichton Is Crazy)

About Me

If you take the time to read my profile you'll find out quickly I won't add you unless you talk to me first. Still, I may not add you if I don't think we're a good fit for friends or you're rude or stupid. I sound like a bitch... sorry but I have to limit my time and efforts on MySpace.NO I won't spank you. NO you can't lick my feet. NO Don't bother to message me if all you want is a booty call. GO bug someone else. NO NO NO AND STOP ASKING!!!

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I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

I'm an Archaeology student. I'm quite interested in North America, specifically pottery of the South West. I like digging up old dead things ;) Playing in the dirt is fun! No... it's NOT like Indiana Jones though it would be cool... I want a whip and a gun!
I'm a bit of an artist. I've done everything from photography to glass blowing, from ceramics to bronze casting, from drawing (in charcoal cuz you get dirty lol) to sewing. I've pretty much taught myself how to sew, just had to be shown how the sewing machine works. What is catching my eye lately is leather work. I think that's my next quest when I get the money to afford it.
I like to play SOCOM III on the playstation... It's fun running around and pissing guys off because I'm better than they are! Sniperella is the name... come find me if ya dare!

I'd like to meet:

Cool people.Ben is so fricking HOT


Korn, Rob Zombie, Toby Keith, Keith Urban, Kenny Chesney, Tim McGraw, Leann Womack, Rascal Flatts, um... um... System Of A Down, Rob Zombie, Metallica, Chevelle, Linkin Park, Pearl Jam, Evanescence, Incubus, Anna Nalick... only to name just a few that came to the top of my head while doing this thing.


I'm a Star Wars geek. :)Yeah, I'm a Lord of the Rings Geek too... :)
TOO many others to count but I'll list a few. I Love Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Willow, The Princess Bride, American History X, Mobsters, Disney Movies. A Knights Tale, Hackers, Bill and Ted, The Chronicles Of Riddick, Pitch Black, Doom... cuz I love Karl Urban! Superstar, Girl Interupted, , Alexander, Snatch, King Arthur, Blade Trinity cuz Ryan Reynolds is fucking hot, Pirates of the Carribean, Tank Girl, Singles, Caddyshack...


I LOVE Firefly! I'm so bummed it was canceled so soon! Battlestar Galactica, Lost, CSI, Eureka... I like a couple shows I actually never watched when they were on... Stargate SG1, but only cuz of Ben Browder! And Farscape, cuz of Ben Browder! But it's still a great show. I like to watch Football, GO CHARGERS... Hockey. Um... OH The Family Guy!


I'm Han Solo BIATCH! Ha... cool, Han kicks ass! A quote from the man himself...
"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid."
Han Solo
Star Wars Horoscope for Taurus
You are a dependable creature, but you do tend to be stubborn. You like material possessions and love to win at games. You hate being bossed around or losing. You may succumb to your physical strength when upset.
Star wars character you are most like: Chewbacca What is Your Star Wars Horoscope?
Your IQ Is 105
Your Logical Intelligence is Above Average
Your Verbal Intelligence is Exceptional
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Above Average
Your General Knowledge is Above Average
A Quick and Dirty IQ Test
DAMN I wish this was true lol.
Your Inner European is Irish!
Sprited and boisterous! You drink everyone under the table. Who's Your Inner European?
HA HA right on... GO IRISH! Bring me more BEER!!!
Redneck Bear
Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Your aura shines Red!
What Color Is Your Aura?
brought to you by Quizilla

Your Star Wars Pickup Line
"In time, you will call me... Master." What's Your Star Wars Pickup Line?
HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!! Yeah baby!
People Envy Your Ingenuity
You're a person with unique ideas, big plans, and a zany outlook on life. Many people look to you for inspiration.
People envy your creativity and "who cares?" attitude. They feel very ordinary next to you - and they usually are! What Do People Envy About You?


So it's widly known that I'm a total geek. Just take a look at my page and you'll get a small glimpse :)
However, this tops most of it all. I created an image of what I'd think a certain Comic Book character would look like if she were played in a movie. It wasn't just something I decided to do for the hell of it, a few friends and I talked about it and all... but I guess maybe you could say I did it cuz I've got no life and well, I like a challenge.
The character is a DC comics character named Princess Koriand'r, aka Starfire, aka Kory Anders. She's an alien who at one point was engaged to Nightwing, aka Robin. The comics say that she's incredibly beautiful, even for comic standards and when she was on Earth, she was a supermodel. Who better than Angie!
I used a pic of Angelina Jolie and did some fun changing of her skin color and hair along with the eyes. I had a ton of fun with the eyes! I got to use some really cool brushes I've had forever and never found a use for them.
Here she is! Starfire!
And here is the picture that I got my inspiration from

My Blog

Tech Support SUCKS- Rant

Ohhh... just another rant... So I went out and bought myself a new wireless router from Linksys today because well, I gotta be wireless with my new laptop!  Granted, I have a Macintosh desktop an...
Posted by *Elsa* on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 06:11:00 PST

Cowgirl Survey!

for cowboys/cowgirls only!ford or chevy?Chevydiesel or gas?Gasbulls or broncs?Bullswrangler or cinch?Wranglerlace up or pull on boots?Lace UpsJustin or H&H?Neither, I like Ariattail gating or line...
Posted by *Elsa* on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 11:14:00 PST


HEY Look!  It's The Frisky and The German!Ok, so what do you all think of me as a German!? Ha ha... I had SOOO much fun playing with the Kriegshund Fahnlein! So I joined to play along with St. ...
Posted by *Elsa* on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 09:42:00 PST

This Is Funny

The Pirate SongSixteen men on a dead man's chest...yo ho ho and a bottle of rum(Captain) Avast there mates, ye're sailin' with Long John Black Beard, Peg-Leg, Patch-Eye Hook, scourge of the bounding...
Posted by *Elsa* on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 12:30:00 PST

This Shit Is Going TOO Far! RANT!!!

Honestly, what part of ILLEGAL don't you understand? I'm sick and tired of hearing shit on the news about these dumb high school kids screaming 'viva mexico' and throwing bottles and shit at cops. O...
Posted by *Elsa* on Tue, 11 Apr 2006 04:19:00 PST

My New Ink!!!

So I got new ink. This pic I finally got onto the computer from my cellphone. It's two weeks old now but this pic was taken the day after when I took the bandage off. It's all swollen and oozy but ...
Posted by *Elsa* on Mon, 10 Apr 2006 01:22:00 PST

What Makes Me Sexy???

What Makes You Sexy? by eva71Name/NickNameGenderSexy Body Part IsYour BoobsSpecial Talents AreEverything (Multi-talented)Quiz created with MemeGen! Now that's funny... I'm sure there are quite a ...
Posted by *Elsa* on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

20 Questions

20 Questions: Repost your answers in your own bulletin or blog.... 1) What stickers do you have on your car? Carlsbad Fire Fighters, Encinitas Surfboards, KSON San Diego Country station, Independan...
Posted by *Elsa* on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Remembering The Hawks

NEWPORT BEACH - Thomas and Jackie Hawks were an outgoing, charismatic couple that would invite anyone to join their adventures along the Pacific Coast aboard their 55-foot craft "Well Deserved." Fo...
Posted by *Elsa* on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Anna Nalick

Check her out, she's got a great clean soft sound and a beautiful voice. I'm not just saying all this cuz I'm related to her lol Here's the link to her site. There is a message board on the site...
Posted by *Elsa* on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST