My original Tell People Who Already Know Me About Me was mind-numbingly bland, so I'm gonna bam it up Elzar style...or not. Let's start with the important stuff: I have a big rack. Which you already know. For those of you who haven't seen me since high school, now I have a big rack. And a more cynical view of the world about me. And a laptop. I live next door to fifty screaming Mexican children who I will one day make into stew...or give delightful of those. I study deaaaaaath and on occasion see deaaaaaad people, which is not as fun as Haley Joel Osmet made it out to be, but what're ya gonna do?
I studied Japanese for five years or so until living in Kansai burned me out. In 2002-2003 I attended Tenri University in the Nara Prefecture and, despite being stressed out almost constantly, I learned a lot about myself (blah blah blah) and met a bunch of incredible people who, unfortunately, I don't really keep in touch with! ^^' I came back to the US, got a degree and certification in Archaeology, went to Egypt for a few weeks, and now I'm finishing up my second degree--this time in History. I'm planning my Masters Thesis in Victorian burial practices, for what it's worth. ;p
I loves me some gay boys and drag queens (and yes, I do watch Bravo to Watch What Happens) and any combination of the two sends me into a realm of giddy joy much like swimming in a giant vat of Turkish Delight (tho I suppose that technically there can be only one combination of two things...). I have cuddles for the lesbians, too *of course!*, but I tend to migrate toward the lipstick lezzies, since I'm half of one. *And no, I'm not picky or curious or not picky or whatever else some people qualify bi people as. I've had romances with boys, I've had romances with girls; both are very hot and huggable.*
I am a ginormous ho for all things Disnah, and frequent Disneyland enough that they don't card me at the California Adventure Beer Garden *tho slipping them a fiver doesn't hurt--most adult video stores don't accept Disney Dollars.* After my Masters I'm planning on enrolling in their internship program to hopefully get a foot in at the park archives. But I digress.
The world would be a happier place with more quality 2-D and Stop-Motion animated features and less cartoon crap starring whoever just decided to quit SNL.
I'm all fulla the tattoos, but nowhere near full enough, I'm busily wearing down my list of places in the world I haven't been, one day I'll graduate completely from college (but don't hold your breath), and next election my vote goes for Christopher Walken.
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You are Kaylee Frye (Ship Mechanic)
Kaylee Frye (Ship Mechanic)
Zoe Washburne (Second-in-command)
Dr. Simon Tam (Ship Medic)
Malcolm Reynolds (Captain)
Wash (Ship Pilot)
Inara Serra (Companion)
Derrial Book (Shepherd)
River (Stowaway)
Jayne Cobb (Mercenary)
A Reaver (Cannibal)
You are good at fixing things.
You are usually cheerful.
You appreciate being treated
with delicacy and specialness.
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