-Brooke- profile picture


Big Bird

About Me

Hey, pretty basic, im 17 year old from elimabah. Love karate i do that for GKR and guitar,i also have strong opinons. Love to have fun as does everyone.I can have a basic converstation in spanish, love learning it. Email me if you want at titia_em_novembro@hotmail.com, love speaking to people form all over the world or local. MyGen Profile Generator

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My Interests

I have many, some being karate, guitar, art, music, spanish, japanese culture and more

Friends I love all my friends such as a few mains - Jennifer, Kaela, Krissie, Aimee, Christal, Chrissie, Quiche, Wilson, Matt, Kareena, Cindy, Shano.

I'd like to meet:

No one specific except for johnny depp or jd. Wait that is the same inital, jd is Jonathan davis. But anyone that will make a difference in my life. .

    My Opinons
RELIGION - I am an athiest and proud of it. I stand strongly against religion and no im not a satanist, the music i listen to has nothing to do with it. If you search back into the days they had stupid policies they would follow when it came to witchcraft, religion, and the devil that has all been proven to be all just a bunch of shit. Religions try to sell themselves as a buisness like the johova witness's. Im sure youhave had them at your door before trying to sell a "belief" to you. I have many more defences againt religion, but overall I deny the holy spirit (Blasphemy)

MUSIC - I know i should accept peoples choices in music but this whole new emo scence and metalcore thing is just ridiculous. 1 - Metalcore is not metal, as much as you would like to think it is punks trying to play metal is not metal its just crap. And 2 - whats with the fringes and depressed over shit. I hate the look of emo's they make me want to harm myself but according to them its cause i dont understand them and only their diary does. All the fall out boy, M.C.R (sorry kaela) , hawnthorne hieght and many more honestly cant u cheer up and make ur fans cheer up with u. Like chopper Reed Says "harden the fuck up"

CHEESE - well cheese is just great.



This is my main thing in life. I use to just listen to metal, black metal, death metal, thrash metal, progressive metal and latin but lately my taste has expanded to also rnb (not rap), jazz, alternative, indie and many more, so i will basically listen to anything besides emo,punk,metalcore or rap


Im not that fussy with movies, i have fav genres, for example i love martial art movies especially fearless (jet li), also queen of the damned is one of my all time favs and any johnny depp movies. Me and kaela will share him.


Dont like it at all, i very rarely sit down and watch it


LMAO!.............thats not me


My "true" friends (so there are certain ones that will know who they are). I have alot of hero's musically and martial art wise.

My Blog

Korn Quiz

KoRn KwiZ Favorite KoRn Member?:: Munky & Jon & Head Favorite KoRn Song?:: Hmm im always changing Favorite KoRn Album?:: Prob follow the leader or their debut album Ever been t...
Posted by Follow Me Im The Leader on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 04:11:00 PST

Get Well Soon Jon

Download Festival 2006's official website has just announced that KoRn frontman Jonathan Davis has been hospitalised and KoRn will play without their frontman at Download this evening.It has just been...
Posted by Follow Me Im The Leader on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 09:12:00 PST