I Love kickin it with my friends and familia! And I love going to Wal*Mart!
The Game cause he's my man.....He just don't know it yet! Oh Yeah can't forget my baby's Daddy T.I.! My Grandma Again, I hella miss My Ama!!!! R.I.P.!!!!
It's all about "E-40" , Oh Yeah and I love "Too Short"!!!! But one of the Greatest Rapper of all Times is "Tupac"!!!! He's Music Will NEVER Die!!!! Music Is My Life.......Without It, I'd Die!!!!
I Love To Get Blown and Watch Funny Ass Movies.I Love "Friday" ("Are You High Craig"!!!! ) Oh, and We Can't Forget The Famous "Scareface" ("Say Hello To My Little Friend")
My parents because of them I'm here on this earth and I know they worked hard to get what we have today. That's why I love them so much!