T-Shirt design and fashion. Music. Bands. Stealing pants. Politics. Pop culture. Get your pants on! Or off, depending on the situation and/or climate change.
Che Guevara (so I could kick his little unwashed anti-Pantelope heinie - it is told in old Communist circles that Che would frequently say disparaging things about pants, in addition to murdering people right and left.), Audrey Hepburn, Trey Stone and Matt Parker, God, Lenny Kravitz, JS Bach, Al Gore (because I want to hear all about his new cookbook that's rumored to be coming out soon: "Greenhouse Gas Barbecuing: from Roast Aardvarks to Pan-Fried Zebras!"), and Herbert Farnsworth (a plumber of some note from Des Moines).
Basically, anything written well.
The Incredibles, Toy Story, Finding Nemo (Basically, anything Pixar does is golden - they should be allowed to rule Hollywood. Perhaps they should be allowed to rule the States?), all the Indiana Jones movies, the first Matrix movie, Night of the Living Pantelope (A little-known classic that inadvertantly inspired Ronald Reagen in his efforts to win the Cold War), Pantelope from the Black Lagoon, Pantelopenstein (Awesome and sobering at the same time; Siskel and Ebert gave it a three thumbs up.), The Texas Chainsaw Pantelope (Don't watch this one alone. It'll scare the pants off you.), All The President's Pantelopes.
Television makes my cerebral cortex try to crawl out of my nose and flail around like a dripping whip.
The Lord of the Rings, Mila 18, Where The Wild Things Are, How Droofus The Dragon Lost His Head, Anna Karenina, that book about the Star-Bellied Sneetches (made me cry).
Lord Ernest Shackleton, all those guys who sailed their little boats across the Channel to rescue soliders during the battle of Dunkirk, Alfred the Great, and Joe Pugsworthy (he operates a Quik-E-Mart on the corner of West and Lake in downtown Oshkosh - great bratwurst!).