Machete Crawler profile picture

Machete Crawler

I am the Nightmare that Crushes your Dreams...!

About Me

: } [ [ [ CHRIS ] ] ] { :
Hello, I'm Chris. My friends call me a genius, my family calls me disturbed, and strangers give me odd looks (though i never know why).
i tend to dress normally most of the time. skinny jeans, t-shirt, black & white striped overshirt now and then... but you can also catch me in my "bondage clothes" every now and then, complete with bad-ass 'destruction boots' and chains. i prefer the latter, though working in the public eye as much as i do, i'd rather not attract too much negative attention.. not because i'm scared or anything, but because it is extremely annoying, entirely unnecessary, and completely avoidable.
I am fascinated by the mechanics of fear, religion, and the mind. I tend to have a very different thought process than most people, as well as a unique mindset. Dont be suprised if I say something bizarre that makes no sense when taken in context to a situation... because chances are, it will make sense to me.
I am shy, nervous, and skeptical. And very paranoid.
But I am also very empathic, protective, and trustworthy.
But, if you want to know any more about me... simply ask. I will be happy to tell you.
Oh, and By the way, this profile was *partially* edited with Thomas' myspace editor V2
Disorder Rating
Paranoid : Very High
Schizoid : Low
Schizotypal : Very High
Antisocial : High
Borderline : Very High
Histrionic : High
Narcissistic : High
Avoidant : Very High
Dependent : High
Obsessive-Compulsive : High
-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --
How evil are you?
In your eyes, people can't seem to see anything
because your eyes are covered up by tears! You
are constantly hurt and depressed... No one
seems to understand how you feel because
everyone is scared to get close to you... You
long to be able to reach out and tell someone
everything, and all of your problems... But you
have no one to tell, or they just don't seem to
want to hear what you have to say. You've been
hurt many times that you don't seem to have any
tears left to shed, or if you do, they're an
endless river flowing... You've started to hide
and bottle up all or your problems and
feelings, hoping that maybe they just will go
away... You want company, but at the same time,
you're scared of it. Your sanctuary is your
room where you can just be alone and try to
throw away all of your aching pains. You're
dark and mysterious and people like you for
that reason. Even if you think you're all by
yourself in the dark, someone is always there
with you. Your special someone wants to admit
and show their feelings towards you, but
they're afraid of how you'll take it. Get out
more and enjoy life because, it is far too long
to frown your way through :)
What Lies Behind Your Eyes? (With Pics, See All Results!)
brought to you by Quizilla
Your clan is a dysfunctional one. That is because you are a Malkavian. Something is poisonous about this clan's blood that drives all those embraced to madness. However, in this madness, you tend to have great insight. Unfortunately, people just take it as senseless ramblings. In every family there is an insane one. You're it.
What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To?
The Malkavians At first glance, the members of Clan Malkavian do not appear to be a clan at all; they are chosen from all races, creeds and social strata. But Malkavians, regardless of mortal standing, bear one disturbing commonality: They are all quite mad. Whether from the clan's choice of victims, the circumstances of the Embrace, or some property in Malkavian blood itself, all Malkavians go insane shortly after the transformation (if they were not insane to begin with). Accordingly, many Malkavians find themselves pariahs, ostracized by a vampiric society fearful of their random urges and capricious whims. Wiser Kindred, however, prefer to keep the madmen close at hand: Behind the Malkavians' lunatic cackling and feverish rantings lie smatterings of insight, even wisdom.
As far as people go, well, the human race is slowly earning my trust back. There're alotta bad things about people. But there are also a lotta good things about 'em as well. So... there ya go.
There is nothing worse than being alone.

My Interests

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Fifth Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

Level Score
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) Very Low
Level 2 (Lustful) Moderate
Level 3 (Gluttonous) Very High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) Extreme
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) Extreme
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) Extreme
Level 7 (Violent) Very High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) Extreme
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) Very High
Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test

"Portrait of Pain"

Lamenting the Loss of Myself

We were one...
So close we often stood
Better than friends
We knew each other
As well as we knew ourselves.
When we wept
We wept together
One tear shared both our cheeks
We echoed eachother's cries.

We began to fade...
We did not bleed the other's wounds
And a numbness brushed out touch
And our minds
Like a cotton-soft poison.
We misread eachother
Our thoughts blurred
Out of truth
As our life grew out of focus.

I fell...
The world we made for ourselves
Glided away into a mist
That gathered at me feed
And slowly lost all color.
The life I knew
Slowly began to leave us
And crawled away to save itself
And left us with a void.

I end...
As all my dreams flit away
And my last memory leaves me
I ease my struggle
For reclaiming what I once was.
And I will never know
What I could have been as one
And so all that's left is the pain
Of accepting what I am.

By: Chris Gerfen... 13 Dies Alone

"Portrait of Serenity"

I'd like to meet:

Ukraine Goddess, Milla Jovovich

Genius Composer and Professional Weirdo, Danny Elfman

Goddess of Metal, Angela Gossow

The MythBusters, Jamie and Adam

And... ALL my awesome friends on myspace!

AIM= spinewrithe

E-MAIL= [email protected]


Metal, Rock, Classic Rock, Classical, Orchestral, Irish, Industrial, Electronica, Techno, Death Metal...Tool, Kovenant, MushroomHead, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Riverdance, Solas, Cranberries, NonPoint, Arch Enemy, Iron Maiden, Boston, Queen, Enya, Breaking Benjamin, Korn, Cradle of Filth, Zeromancer, Icon of Coil, Combichrist, KMFDM, Aerosmith, Rob Zombie, Rotersand, Hanz Zimmer, Danny Elfman, Klaus Badelt...and many more i just can't think of right now (:


Crank, the Alien series, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Pirates of the Caribbean, the Saw trilogy, Nightmare Before Christmas, 28 Days Later, Resident Evil, Fifth Element (I'm in love with Mila Jovovich), Band of Brothers, Saving Private Ryan, Appleseed, The Ring, Cable Guy, City of Lost Children, Spiderman, Batman Begins, The Last Samurai, Fearless, Blair Witch Project, Schindler's List, Phantom of the Opera, The Mummy, X-Men, Reign of Fire, Jurassic Park, The Great Escape, Jacob the Liar, Apocolypto, Back to the Future trilogy, the FIRST Men in Black, Shaun of the Dead, Alien vs Predator, Freddy vs Jason, Whale Rider, Titus...and, of course, many more...


24, House, Invader Zim (RIP), Arrested Development (RIP), Dead Like Me (RIP), Alias, Family Guy, X-Play, Most Extreme Elimination Challenge, Anything on The History Channel, Anything on The Discovery Channel, Nova, South Park, SNL, Dirty Jobs, Man vs. Wild...


A Wrinkle in Time, Lord of the Rings, Phantoms, Odd Thomas, The Giver, Cat's Cradle, The Sun Also Rises, The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus . . .


My Blog

"Zombie Eyes"

One time I saw A meat-childgo running through the woodsI followed him into A CabinStocked with sporting goodsI thought, quite bluntly, to myself,"I must eat this young boy"And I hunted him throughout ...
Posted by Machete Crawler on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 03:54:00 PST

another raw poem written in car... heading West starting from Huntington.

"Digression Into Realization"Oh putrid wonder,beloved vice..Oh tainted, twisted beauty.My bond to you is not of loveor familyor friendship;I simply am as you arein my aching and my strife.A lost and l...
Posted by Machete Crawler on Wed, 30 May 2007 02:16:00 PST

raw poem written in car... heading East on Route 66.

((**Untitled**))Thoughts escape me,emotions tangled, beatenand strained to produce the beautythey had long ago..But their reincarnations are weakand rotten,lacking core; a soul.And I cannot tend to th...
Posted by Machete Crawler on Wed, 30 May 2007 02:04:00 PST

concerning love.

over the past year i have had, on several occasions, certain people whome i believe to be enlightened in one way or another impart wisdom unto me concerning my state of being.  and on all account...
Posted by Machete Crawler on Tue, 29 May 2007 07:20:00 PST

The Salmonella Song...

Salmonella, Salmonella!Everybody loves a little SalmonellaDrink it from a cup with a little umbrella,I just want some Salmonella!Lickin' some mayonaise off of a shoe,It's been there a day or twoGonna ...
Posted by Machete Crawler on Mon, 28 May 2007 06:07:00 PST

Sorry, Johnny Cash... The boredom was just too much.

Original Lyrics: If I were a carpenterAnd you were a lady,Would you marry me anyway?Would you have my baby?If a tinker were my tradewould you still find me,Carrying the pots I made,Following behind me...
Posted by Machete Crawler on Sun, 06 May 2007 04:31:00 PST

Pearl Watch for sale on Ebay... Good deal, go see!!

So...  I have this Gold and Pearl watch that I'm selling on Ebay. It is an expensive watch, but I am selling at a very reasonable price! For more information, or if you're interested, visit my li...
Posted by Machete Crawler on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 08:14:00 PST

Should the Potato Demand it...

The Algerian hook is a slow method of execution and was used some four hundred years ago at Babazonian Gate, Algiers, in North Africa. It is generally described as having a suspended hook im...
Posted by Machete Crawler on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 03:55:00 PST

heartache. i hate it... i love it...

i hate it...the feel of heartache. it is evil, wretched, terrifying. it makes you physically ill and rips all the strength from you - it violates your compassion. it makes you want to cry and scream a...
Posted by Machete Crawler on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 01:50:00 PST

origin of the image

some of you may be wondering what the hell i'm supposed to be doing in some of my pictures, or why they are the way they are... here is the explination.I have held a series of odd jobs... ones that i ...
Posted by Machete Crawler on Sat, 03 Mar 2007 01:20:00 PST