Marcos Garcia (Drums) and Albert Gomez (Timbales) began to scout musicians for a new band in October of 2004. (Their last band had unfortunately failed because of instability within the group.) The revolutionary new band Eskarabajo, would soon be the end result. Inspired by Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra, Sonora Skandalera, La Cixaña, Panico Latino, Sektacore, would be the foundation for all of their music, but they would still have a long way to go in looking for people to play in the band. It was at Kaiser High where they found a talented trombone player, Damen Schwalbe. Pedro Berumen, or otherwise know as (PJ),a brilliant bass player, would also be soon recruited. Pedros friend Erick, had just begun playing the guitar when he was tried out for the band and found him valuable for the time being. Eskarabajos first year was spent playing around the I.E. Damen had partially solved Eskarabajos problem in the search to find more brass players when he introduced, the trumpet playing Josh to the band. PJ was replaced in the summer of ’05 by Ericks very good friend, Luis Flores; a very gifted and clever bass player. Luis had originally tried out for lead guitarist but when PJ quit the band, he took the role of bass. They would play in the I.E. and even started performing in the L.A. area, but a had a difficult time spreading and getting fans from the section. Sometime before Christmas of 05’ Erick and Luis went shopping at Best Buy for Christmas presents. On their way out they met Roberto Ronquillo, their future saxist. One month had passed when Roberto Ronquillo found himself played side by side next the rest of the band playing his first show at the Allen Theatre 1/14/06. Shortly after, Damen and Josh left to Cerebro Negro, another local ska band. In early 2006 Eskarabajo started organizing the very popular "Ska Fest" every other month in Fontana in which brought bands from all over. Later that year Marcos, (Drums/Vocals), would play his last show with Eskarabajo at Reseda High. He also left and went with Cerebro Negro. The band tried out a couple of vocalists, but in the end it came down to Erick (Guitar). The band has gone through quite a few changes, but the band feels and works a lot better now. Eskarabajo now consists of Albert Gomez, Erick Figueroa, Luis Flores and Roberto Ronquillo.CLICK ON THER BANNER TO VOTE FOR ESKARABAJO!!!