If you don't think I am funny then we can't be friends. It's kind a pre-requisite for knowing me.
Someone who can use the word 'pedantic' correctly in a sentence, people who will put out on the first date "If you loved me, you'd just do it", hipsters who want to make out to the decemberists... especially in july and anyone who thinks that interpretive dancing at the bar is a fantastic idea. Most importantly, I want to meet Jon Alexander's mom...seriously, Jon, when can I come over?
Ann Arbor Hip-hop: Athletic Mic League, Buff1, DJ Graffiti, Lab Techs, NowOn.. Sky Children! I love all kinds of music but these people are my heart. I also really like when people send me songs they made on their casios in their basements (shout: JRems)
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi... and not necessarily in that order.
If I had time to watch tv, you can bet your sweet ass I'd be watching the food network 24 hours a day.
Really dirty books with explicit sex scenes, preferably with 2 men...gay men. Very gay men.
I also enjoy a good romance novel. "As he thrust his member into her rose garden..."
People who think that a $5 pizza and the star wars six-ogy constitute a solid saturday night. Girls who've lost birds to chlamydia and third-grade teachers. Teenage pool sharks and vegan anarchists. People who work in hippie corporate and romanians that know the traditional dances. Puppy toes the sneak-attack face-humper, Sidney the kitty cat and Hedge the hedgehog. Buddy, who kind of sucks and Dylan who loves him anyways