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Here's to cheap sex and codeine in a hospital bed.

About Me

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Hey there; I'm Katie. Call me Kate if you want. I'm sixteen years old. I live in Green Bay, Wisconsin. I'm ridiculousy shy at first, but after a while I'll be myself. I love all forms of art, I couldn't live with out it. Friends play a huge role in my life, without them I don't know what I would do, that includes family. Emily's my best friend, we're basically amazing. I have very few regrets, because I know that those things are responsible for who I am. I like to think that I'm a pretty decent person and easy to get along with, so let's keep in touch. aim; omgkatiestrash instant message me anytime.
we fear the worst is yet to come
we try to understand the cause
we fear the worst is yet to come
but we're fed lies and corruption
and we know there's no limitations
to what we can believe
and I made myself who I am today
and I thank my friends for who I am today
no matter how much we have left in life
just know there's more to gain
on the other side
dont be afraid to hold onto something as pure as a persons heart
charish all you have in life
hold your ground
keep your head up high
fight with honor fight with pride
its your life

My Interests


-Every Time I Die
-Grace Gale
-He Is Legend
-I Killed The Prom Queen
-The Number Twelve Looks Like You
-Still Remains

Local -[The] Affair Divine
-An End To Flesh
-Autumn Veila
-Awe of the Slaughter[Challenger]
-[The] Beholder
-From The Headline
-Our Renaissance
-Red Letter Memories[RIP]