My phobias.
Achluophobia: Fear of darkness.
Acrophobia: Fear of heights.
Agyrophobia: Fear of crossing streets.
Aichmophobia: Fear of needles or pointed objects.
Atychiphobia: Fear of failure.
Clinophobia: Fear of going to bed.
Dystychiphobia: Fear of accidents.
Enetophobia.: Fear of needles or pins.
Erotophobia.: Fear of sexual love.
Iatrophobia.: Fear of going to the doctor.
Logophobia.: Fear of words.
Lyssophobia.: Fear of becoming insane.
Macrophobia: Fear of long waits.
Onomatophobia.: Fear of hearing a certain word or words, or name or names.
Thantophobia.: Fear of death or dying.
Tomophobia.: Fear of surgical operations.
Atelophobia.: Fear of imperfection.
Athazagoraphobia.: Fear of being forgotten.
Demophobia. : Fear of crowds.
Britphobia.: Fear of Wifey raping me.
Panphobia.: Fear of everything.
Currently Playing.
Keeping up with the Joneses.
MirandaJelly.Stephenbutter.Kaybread. 3