playing guitar...listening to music... (metal...not that pussy emo shit u call music...) n sleeping...
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Adam Sandler, Corey Taylor,Devildriver, Lamb of God,FEFF, and my god father....
Strictly metal...slipknot...six feet under...torture killer...Devildriver...lamb of god...children of flames...n my brothers band ( i dont like your band because it sucks donkey dick n you will never go anywhere)...
KILLADELPHIA!!!Saw 1, 2, and 3...Devils Rejects...Sin City...American History X...Dumb and Dumber...Joe Dirt...ect...
Family Guy, The Simpsons, King of the Hill, i think thats about it....
I DESPISE READING...if i had the choice to read or be beaten with a stick...I WOULD PICK GETTING BEATEN WITH A STICK!!!
I would have to say that Yoda of star wars is my all-time favorite hero...but then again Spiderman is the shit too...No way Yoda is way GO LITTLE GREEN MAN...GO!!!! Another one of my HEROS is MARK MORTON from Lamb of God....and Willie Adler...well the whole band is the shit...