Gaming, Rocky Horror, Porn, Comic Books, Boobs, Boffer Larps, Toys, Puns, Sci-fi and fantasy movies, Rock and Roll, naked girls and many more.
Well, girls, really, thats why I am here. But gamers, weirdos, old friends I have lost contact with, future ex- girlfriends, people who work at really cool places, hot 20something chicks with webcams, people with funny hats, costumers, artists, good artists, girls who wrestle in mud or oil, models, people who work haunted houses... I could go on and on. I am on AIM and Yahoo Messenger as jasonwarlock and enjoy talking to exciting and fun new people (Attractive young women are a plus).Basically, if for some strange reason you like what you've read here in this profile, seek professional help, then drop me a message. We'll go from there.
Alice Cooper, Pink Floyd, Queen, Dave Mathews Band, Weird Al, Beatles