[email protected]
aim sondrarhinehart
DON'T add me if you are under 16 or over 25i'll deny yr fucking asses
& yes;; i do check.
i don't have myspace IM
nor will i ever
don't give me yr sn
i don't careee.
& don't ask me where i got my clothes
i'll ignore you
that's why i put them on photobucket
instead of using the original image url
find clothes yrselff
& also
go ahead & send me hatemail
i feed off that shit. ;]
& don't be fucking scared to talk to me
i'm nice as long as you aren't stupid
i won't do anything to piss you off unless you piss me off first
so if you don't happen to like me
that would be yr problem
you can tell me
but it's not like it'll hurt my feelings
it's fucking MYSPACE; seriouslyy
& tell me whatever you wanna tell me
i rarely ever take things the wrong way
& if i do for some reason
please don't take it personally