i've been dreamin' of a perfect love
like a little girl who dreams of
having a dollhouse...
with roses and butterflies around
feelin' the Love dat i had found...
but as i grew up...
findin someone seems so hard...
so then i gave up
and stop hoping for it to come
i go on with my life
believin' that dream....
would always be a dream for me....
but then i met you...
made my dreams come true...
now i see the flowers and butterflies around me...
and now i know that it is not a dream...
but it's real...
im still not hoping...
but instead im LOVING...
Loving the man...
that i know i am goin' to spend...
my life with for the rest of my life...
I Love You Baby.....
YOU!!!!!!!!!! of course!!!!!!
but of course, i'd also like to meet God...
DiRtY DaNcInG 2...
KiLL BiLL 1 and 2...
sHrEk 2...
ThE pRiNcE & mE...
PrInCeSs DiArIeS 1 & 2...
WiLL and GrAcE.....
aMeRiCaN iDoL.....
SpOnGe bOb sQuArE pAnTs...
FiLiPiNo TeLeSeRyEs...
ThE nExT tOp MoDeL...
i dOnt rEad bOokz..... dUUUUUhhhhHHhhhh.............=Þ
bAsTa NaGpAkAmAtAy!!!!!