* Loser Geek, Crazy with an Evil Streak* profile picture

* Loser Geek, Crazy with an Evil Streak*

"It's all relative to the size of your steeple" img border="0" src="http://resources.profilemix.com/

About Me

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Firstly I'd like to say I love metaphors. So superior to your average simile. In summary, I'm a 2nd year student nurse at Wolverhampton Uni. I live in Wolves halls of residence. I spend week nights at student nights dancing the night away with Spiderman!! Or sleeping due to an early start the next morning. I'll never get used to having to be at work at 6:45! It's just not normal! I love old music which I boogie away to in my room whilst noones watching or with Natalie cus she knows my secret and she boogies too! I wish I'd be born a few decades ago as I don't feel I belong in this grumpy and dying world! Pip --
A dance involving little to no clothing
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Layout by Tennaya Layouts / HotFreeLayouts
HotFreeLayoutsI found my rollover effect at pYzam.com , They're awesome!

My Interests

Dancing, boogying, going out with mates (who are the coolest & hippest folks in town and totally down with the kids, guys you know who you are!), music, snorkelling (when the waters warm), Goat cheese production, my parents kittens in Spain, skiing, taking fun photos, dressing up in silly fancy dress, making sarcastic comments, pretty clothes, evil plans against fanny fart, climbing, sleeping, swimming in beautiful lagoons (clearly not in the uk).......hmmm, shopping, editing photos........hmmm, need some more time to think........Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

I'd like to meet:

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The male version of me, only with dark hair. That'd be interesting. Except he's bound to be a bastard ;-)Umm Jared Leto, Ian Watkins, Johnny Depp clearly.King and queen of Chavs- in order to destroy them!The evil fairies that make my room a mess over night and the ones that eat all my food including my cheesy wotsits or is that just Alex? Hmmm I must ask her!Oh and a talking goat! They look so evil we need one that talks to prove us wrong!Also the Raggy Dolls, "If you've lumps on your nose or bumps on your toes do not despair..."Who I'd not like to meet? Arrogant, pretentious little wankers who have small man syndrome! Kindly accept your height and move on in life. Dressing like Russell Brand does not make you big or clever, merely desperate to be different and 'individual'!.. width="425" height="350" ....

Myspace Codes: MyNiceSpace.com


Wish I could have been at Woodstock :-( but as I cant be there I like, to name but a few:-Everclear, Greenday, The Rolling Stones, The Kinks, Jimi Hendrix, Cream, Free, The Eagles, Crowded House, Deep Purple, Ace of Base, Aerosmith, The Animals, Aretha Franklin (RESPECT), The Beach Boys, The Beat, Bob Marley, Eddie Grant, Blur, Bonjovi, Ocean Colour Scene, Jose Gonzales, Space, Catatonia, Caparezza (crazy italian stuff!!!!!), The Clash, The Chemical Brothers, Eric Clapton, No Doubt, Gwen Stefani, Terrorvision, Flogging Molly, Garbage, Gorrilaz, Gregory Issacs, Guns & Roses, Hard Fi, Korn, Less than Jake, THE LEVELLERS, The mamas & the papas, Michael Jackson, Marvin Gaye, Metallica, The Moody Blues, The Offspring, Prodigy, Placebo, Primal Scream, RHCP, Santana, Simon & Garfunkel, System of Down, Reel Big Fish, Spunge, Save Ferris, 10CC, Al Greene, Bob Dylan, Cat Stevens and lots lots more but I really can't be arsed to type anymore.Generally old 60's and 70's, my generation dance music - Rhythm is a dancer etc, anything i can dance to but NNNNNNNNOOOOOOO R&B it should be banned. Love old Reggae. There are loads of other songs I like but cant be arsed to name all those bands!


I'll watch any but I am never watching the Japanese version of The Grudge again! It gave me nightmares! Infact children in scary films wham up the scare factor to an immense level!

Myspace Codes: MyNiceSpace.com


Not all that fussed, watch anything when Im bored but cant get much of a tv reception in these sodding halls of residence! Spaced, Peepshow, Scrubs, Teachers, 24, Without a Trace, Nip Tuck, Louis Theroux..........ummm and I do love the controversial documentaries on 4OD!
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The Adrian Mole series will always be close to my heart! Who didnt think Pandora was cool?! Ha ha Rea do u remember the Jilly Cooper incident? LOL


Tinkerbell. I wanna look like Tinkerbell, she is beautiful! Clap your hands and say you believe in fairies! Ppl who don't let others ruin their lives.

Animations provided by MySpaceAnimations.com

Myspace Code: MyNiceSpace.com

My Blog

Scarily True Lyrics

The Levellers - Julie Julie was a lonely girlShe said she was born that wayShe always felt that wayShe left home at age sixteenGot a job what you're supposed to doThat's what you've got to doShe fell ...
Posted by * Loser Geek, Crazy with an Evil Streak* on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 11:16:00 PST

NHS disgrace

"Drugs and stomach surgery should be used to help some adults and children lose weight, say experts. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence has issued guidelines on treating obesit...
Posted by * Loser Geek, Crazy with an Evil Streak* on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 01:16:00 PST

Chav scum, I hope u all get sterilised so u can't produce anymore chav scum!

The chav situation in the uk needs to be sorted out. Saturday night at a local McDonalds, an employee was beaten up so severely his entire face has had to undergo hours of reconstructive surgery and i...
Posted by * Loser Geek, Crazy with an Evil Streak* on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 07:51:00 PST


1) You -we've been friends for years and i actually can't remember one arguement!! 2) You - We've had our ups and downs but when we're together its still like we never spent time apart 3) You - h...
Posted by * Loser Geek, Crazy with an Evil Streak* on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 08:34:00 PST

Boys of Summer

Boys of suimmer Boys of summer oh how I love you so, in ure skimpy gear and hair a flow! Come to Wolverhampton, there is much fun, party ppl and a touch of sun! As I drive around the town, topless b...
Posted by * Loser Geek, Crazy with an Evil Streak* on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 12:41:00 PST

My favourite poem from when I was little :-D

My favourite poem from when I was little :-D I think it can be applied to both first day at school and first days at work. A feeling of utter lost ness! Lol x x First Day at School  ...
Posted by * Loser Geek, Crazy with an Evil Streak* on Sat, 01 Jul 2006 02:13:00 PST

All about me..

Dating StrengthsDating Weaknesses1. Appearance - 75%2. Sense of Humor - 71.4%3. Adventurousness - 58.3%1. Financial Issues - 63.6%2. Pessimism - 50%3. Irresponsibility - 50%4. Vanity - 50%Dating Stren...
Posted by * Loser Geek, Crazy with an Evil Streak* on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 08:31:00 PST

Boyfriend Application Form

If you're a girl, title this boyfriend application and if you're a boy then title this girlfriend application. Repost this and see who's eligible to be your special someone. Have fun!! Send it back if...
Posted by * Loser Geek, Crazy with an Evil Streak* on Sun, 07 May 2006 09:15:00 PST

Note to sexy men!

If there are any sexy men out there please go to the civic hall on a saturday night as the place is running out of yummy guys.   Many thanks All the single girls at the civic! P.S. Ex boyfriend...
Posted by * Loser Geek, Crazy with an Evil Streak* on Sun, 07 May 2006 08:51:00 PST

What Nationality am I? Please tell me!

In the past month on 6 seperate occasions I have been asked what country I am from, in my home land of the black country. Im a quarter Irish but thats about as un-english as I get. So please folks tel...
Posted by * Loser Geek, Crazy with an Evil Streak* on Sun, 07 May 2006 05:00:00 PST